Prototyping Responsive Typography

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By Prototyping Responsive Typography:

Basically, a typography prototype is a single web page that consists of the project’s actual content. It’s designed in the browser using real web fonts and tools like Typecast. A typography prototype includes font choices, styles for the basic text content and a typographic scale, but nothing else.

All our decisions should start from the content out, not canvas in. This means we shouldn’t start doing any design work before having the project’s actual content on hand (or something that is very near the actual content). That’s because the content and the language used has a big impact on how our typography will work. This is especially true with display type and headers, but also with paragraphs and line-lengths. Having the real content also helps to judge if the font choices fit the mood correctly.

Very nice instruction on how to prototype for typography as a part of design.

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Typography, believability, and what literacy means

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Via the – Hear, All Ye People; Hearken, O Earth.

The first part of this two-part series from The New York Times discusses the impact of different fonts on people’s opinions – the font used in a document appears to have an impact on whether people believe the content to be true and/or take it seriously.

The second part takes a look at John Baskerville, the creator of the font that was considered “most believeable” in the survey in part one.

One of the ideas that jumped out at me in Baskerville’s story – not the main point at all, but I found it interesting – is that Baskerville was critiqued as being “illiterate” by his contemporaries. But clearly he could read, and what they meant by the criticism was that he was unfamiliar with literary references, i.e., he wasn’t versed in a body of literature they considered to be “canon” for educated people of their time.

Clearly the common meaning of the word illiterate has changed over time, because it now means “completely unable to read” when we call someone illiterate. By the definition of Baskerville’s contemporaries, I’m probably quite illiterate.

And fuck you guys, I can read, bitches.

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links for 2010-04-23

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I heart Franklin Gothic

Font Compare

I really do.

Font Compare 2

Here it’s a lot more apparently why Franklin Gothic is better – the fanciful lowercase g, the Sturdy uppercase M. In Century Gothic and Futura, the M looks like it’s about to do the splits. In Century Gothic, the lowercase g is so round your eye bounces right off of it. Blech.

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links for 2008-03-16

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links for 2008-01-17

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