Homestarrunner Wiki
Homestarrunner has a wiki. Now instead of linking to the main site and urging people to go there, over and over and over again, I can just explain the various viral memes from HR by pointing at the wiki instead.
Homestarrunner has a wiki. Now instead of linking to the main site and urging people to go there, over and over and over again, I can just explain the various viral memes from HR by pointing at the wiki instead.
I’ve mentioned this a few times on my site, but I just found out someone I know needs a basic introduction to, so here it is. Try not to blow soda out of your nose from laughing too hard.
Essential viewing:
— Welcome to (Check me out. No, seriously, check me out.)
— a Jorb Well Done
— Meet Marshie I hate that freaking marshmellow.
— Lookin’ at a thing in a bag. (My favorite StrongBad cartoon ever.)
— Strong Bad answers viewer mail.
— The Cheat video
— Draw a Dragon I said consumate V’s! Consumate!
— Trogdor, the Burninator – Game
— Japanese Cartoon
Go to Watch the cartoons. Watch Strongbad read his e-mail. And stop asking me what the sticker in my truck window is. Sheesh.
Essential viewing:
— Welcome to (Check me out. No, seriously, check me out.)
— a Jorb Well Done
— Meet Marshie I hate that freaking marshmellow.
— Lookin’ at a thing in a bag. (My favorite StrongBad ever.)
— The Cheat video
— Draw a Dragon I said consumate V’s! Consumate!
— Trogdor, the Burninator – Game
— Japanese Cartoon
To play the Trogdor game, Use the arrow keys to control Trogdor. Stomp ten peasants to achieve burnination. Burn all cottages to progress to the next level. Brought to you by Strong Bad and Homestarrunner. For the origins of Trogdor, check out the Strong Bad e-mail about drawing a dragon. Heck while you’re at it, read all of Strong Bad’s e-mails.
Go to this site: Snoop Dogg – Tha Shizzolator, and type in my website address: Almost fell off my chair laughing.
And for kicks, if you haven’t visited Homestarrunner, you’re missing something. And that something would be Strong Bad.
One of my favorite cartoons… Homestarrunner. Check out my newest role model, Strong Bad. He answers e-mail every Monday.