Mostly finished bike cart

I haven’t decided yet quite how to create "sides" – whether to use wooden slats, to use lawn chair webbing, or to just get cargo nets and bungee cords to stretch over what I might want tote. I think I’ll wait until spring to make that decision, as the weather is changing and making it unlikely we’ll be out riding until then.
We totally put this flag on the mailbox

We did a bunch of cleaning and repair work at the rental house over the weekend. We had thought we were done, but the property manager came back with a big fat list of stuff they wanted done before they would agree to list the house. So back over there we went to knock out a bunch of them. One of them was putting a new flag on the mail box because the last renters ripped it off. Who does that, really? How odd.
Super Hero Cape

This is one of my current knitting projects – super hero capes for kids. I’m making at least three and possibly four of them; two red, (for Superman and Supergirl) one blue (Batgirl) and one white with gold trim (oh Mighty Isis), for some small folks I know. I started Saturday and made significant progress on one of them.
All Caught Up
I spent the weekend editing and uploading my entire backlog of photos since November. I’v been perpetually several months behind since we went to England last year and I had the overwhelming backlog of photos to deal with. It took me practically the entire two days, but my Flickr photostream is now up to date. If you want to see all the photos, feel free to peruse my sets. I’ll be posting some of my favorites here over the next couple days, and maybe going back through old posts to add photo slideshows to events I’ve written about.
I’m hoping to keep up with editing and uploading on a more regular schedule going forward, so I can add photos as I write about various events.