First snow of 2015
A few inches of light, fluffy snow.
Go Ahead and Play Project Photos
A slide-show of photos of many of the piano’s from the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana’s “Go Ahead and Play” Project. Now that the pianos are out and about through the downtown area, check out some photos of the various artist’s work. And visit the pianos while you’re out at GenCon or IndyFringe this weekend. There’s a handy map here to find them.
Other than our own yarn-bombed piano, there are definitely several that I was enamored of, especially the Hidden Objects seek and find – the silver one – created by Go students in first through fifth grades. There’s just so much interesting stuff to find on that piano that I could have looked at it all day. I especially loved that there’s a monster truck rally taking place on top of the piano.
Park 16 Apartment Fire
This evening, fire broke out in the “Park 16” apartments being build at 16th and Broadway Avenue in Indianapolis, a few blocks from our house. We ran up the street to take photos, and were able to get remarkably close.
The Park 16 Apartment complex (formerly called Caravelle Commons) was controversial, which I wrote about when they were planning it – the subsidized housing that had been at that location was poorly managed for many years. When the state and federal government allocated money to tear down the old housing and build shiny new apartments, there were lots of neighbors (including me) who were concerned about the density and size of the replacement buildings, which were much larger than the surrounding area. There were also, unfortunately, several Tea Baggers amongst our neighbors who were very vocal in opposing the project because the residents were black and of lower income. It would not surprise me in the slightest if they found this to be arson.
Dinner with Stephanie
First time Stephanie and I have hung out in a week or so; between me rowing and her going to visit her Dad.
The Waltimate
On the Mega Bus to Chicago
Stephanie found a free trip deal from Mega Bus from Indianapolis to Chicago, and we’re going up to do some sightseeing.
Current Knitting Project: Doctor Who Scarf

I’m really in love with the way this scarf is looking. It took me a bit of trial and error to get the colors right; they don’t match the original perfectly (the purple should be more red, the green more brown-ish and the brown should be more orange), but they do balance well together the way the colors in the original did, and honestly, I prefer my variations of color to the ones that perfectly match. I’m surprised how quickly I’ve blazed through this. It is a long scarf however; even though it’s going quickly it’s not going to be finished soon.
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