CD Ripping Project

I’ve had the last several days off work here at the end of the year, so I’ve been working on re-ripping all of our CDs to mp3 format. Several years back we had a hard-drive crash and I’m trying to recover a lot of my music. I’ve been ripping Stephanie’s CDs here and there for a while, but I’m trying to make a concerted effort to get a bigger chunk of our music done.

We store our CDs in boxes like this one – they hold around 95 CDs, and we have 13 boxes full of them – so something like 1200 CDs. Right now they’re stacked in the library, but I’d like to get them ripped and put on shelves in the basement out of the way.

CD storage

It’s not going great, actually. It’s taking forever, and I’m concerned I won’t get finished in my time off here at the end of the year. I have 5 boxes ripped, but only 1 and a half of them over the last 2 days. This is going to be a longer project than I expected, and I’m frustrated because I had novel editing plans for January and this is going to chew into them. I don’t want to leave this project strung out and half done, because it involves getting into and out of boxes and re-stacking them, and the goal is to get the CDs organized in the boxes better before I put them downstairs, too. If it’s left all over the living room while I run in and out the door to work and do this in my spare time, the potential for stuff to get messed up or missed or screwed up increases exponentially. So this has been a frustrating few days. I don’t remember this taking this long in the past. Although in the past I wasn’t working with both of our music libraries and I wasn’t doing them all at once, either. So bigger project than I expected.

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