I think I’m finally selling my house tomorrow

I haven’t mentioned this before, because I didn’t want to jinx it. But I think we’re finally going to get my house sold.

We have a closing scheduled for 12:30 tomorrow. My realtor let me know before my water aerobics class that that buyer’s lender sent the package to the title company. So everything should be in place for tomorrow. Thank goodness.
I know there are some people I haven’t told yet – notably, my mom – and I’m sorry about that. We’ve just gone back and forth on this so much that we really weren’t sure of anything until today.

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life updates – packing and moving

We’ve been really busy lately packing and cleaning my house in hopes of getting it ready to show, hence very little writing here. We took a truck load of stuff to Goodwill, and have been packing lots. This morning a Pod will arrive so we can begin unloading my house of all the clutter. They’ll haul it away and store it for a month until we’re ready to move into the new house.

I’ve had a couple of calls and a couple of e-mails about seeing the house so far. Please pass along the info to anyone you think might want a fun DIY project.

Also, I still have some furniture for sale (bunk beds, a double bed, a coffee table) if you’re interested. E-mail if you are.

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