Remember when…

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Stolen from Scott, after seeing a couple places.
If you read this (even if we don’t speak often or don’t really know each other) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want — good or bad — BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. Leave me a comment and tell me what you don’t remember about us.

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Which Serenity Character Am I?

Your results: You are Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)

Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)

Jayne Cobb (Mercenary)

Wash (Ship Pilot)

Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)

Derrial Book (Shepherd)

Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)


River (Stowaway)

Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)

Inara Serra (Companion)

A Reaver (Cannibal)

Honest and a defender of the innocent. You sometimes make mistakes in judgment but you are generally good and would protect your crew from harm.

Take the Serenity Personality Quiz

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#2 Pencil

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Jlease fill in your answers on a sheet of paper, then enter in comments section. Do not look at other commenters’ answers before entering yours. Please remember the Honor Code as you take your test. Good luck!
1. The best topping is _______, except when it is covered by _________.
2. _________ is by far the sexiest planet.
3. [in redneck voice] “What are you, some kind of _________”?
4. I asked for no _________, and yet you put ___________ on it. Do you not know they are one and the same?
5. Bum de de dum, dum-de dum-dum de-dum, da __ __ __ _____.
6. If you think that’s nice, you should see my _________.
7. “__________ and __________ is what’s kept me young.”
8. French fries are to venetian blinds as cold comfort is to _________ __________.
9. Fuck you, you ________ __________.
10. Enough about me, let’s talk about ______ ______ _______.

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Four Things Meme

Four Jobs I’ve Had

  1. Public Library Page
  2. Assembly Worker of Industrial Gas Shut-off Valves
  3. Chicken Restaurant Cooking Staff
  4. Website Designer

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over

  1. Auntie Mame
  2. The Wizard of Oz
  3. Southpark: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
  4. Much Ado About Nothing

Four Places I’ve Lived

  1. Ankeny, Iowa
  2. Canton, Ohio
  3. Muncie, Indiana
  4. Indianapolis, Indiana

Four TV Shows I Love

  1. Veronica Mars
  2. Lost
  3. Gilmore Girls
  4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Four Places I’ve Been On Holiday

  1. Munster, Germany
  2. Luray Caverns, Virginia
  3. Chicago, Illinois
  4. New York City

Four of My Favorite Dishes

  1. Lasagna
  2. Pizza
  3. Fried Chicken

Four Sites I Visit Daily

  1. Flickr

Four Places I Would Rather Be Now

  1. At home in bed
  2. New York
  3. In the car on a roadtrip
  4. London

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging

  1. Stephanie
  2. Anyone else
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Belicove’s Four for Friday

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Courtesy of
Q1 – You and Reality TV: If you were to star in your own reality television show/series, what would the title of your show be, and what would the show focus on?
Regardless of the title of the show or what it was supposed to focus on, it would end up being about my dog, who is infinitely more entertaining than I am. Seriously, an hour-long show about my dog would kill. I watch it with fascination every day.
Q2 – Christmas Cards: Did you mail out any Christmas/Holiday cards in 2005? If so, approximately how many did you send verses receive?
I mailed out 52 cards, and got about 30. My rule of thumb about sending cards is that they go to friends and family, and anyone who invited me into their home in the past year, because it’s a way to thank hospitality. I had quite a few people to thank for helping me out during my surgery in the past year, also, so I sent quite a few cards.
Q3 – Terrorism and Air Travel: Do you feel more vulnerable to terrorism now that Cigar Cutters, Corkscrews, Cuticle Cutters, Eyeglass Repair Tools (including screwdrivers), Eyelash Curlers, Knitting and Crochet Needles, Nail Clippers, Nail Files, Personal care or toiletries with aerosols in limited quantities (such as hairspray), Scissors (plastic or metal with blunt tips only), Toy Transformer Robots, Toy Weapons (if not realistic replicas), Tweezers, Umbrellas and Walking Canes (allowed in carry-on baggage once they have been inspected to ensure that prohibited items are not concealed), and Wrenches and Pliers (seven inches or less in length, are allowed back on domestic flights along with your carry-on luggage?
I don’t feel more or less safe, either way. I really doubt that if the terrorists strike again, that it will be via air travel. I doubt, actually, that they’ll strike again at all.
Q4 – Going to the Movies: When searching for a movie or show time at a local theatre, do you refer to a daily newspaper, look it up online, or call the theatre directly?
I used to look it up on, but I discovered that I can also type in “movies” and my zip code into and get a list of movies and showtimes, which is pretty cool.

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Why the media can’t get Wikipedia right

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I recently had a short conversation with a woefully misinformed person about Wikipedia, wherein they claimed that “It’s going to be shut down!” and “They’re getting sued!” Nope, on both counts. They were discussing, without much understanding, John Seigenthaler Sr.’s USAToday op-ed piece about the popular online open-source encyclopedia.
David Weinberger analyzes the “controversy” and identifies what the media is not getting about what wikipedia is, and does, and why the hysteria is unfounded.

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The “Where Should I live?” quiz

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Rowhouse ‘Hood

You scored 32 out of 40 on urban-rural and 24 out of 40 land intensity.
People know you as: The Bohemian Gentrifier
Quote: “That crack house just needed a little paint.”

Your score indicates that you are a city-dweller of the old-school. You like a dense, finely grained neighborhood with restaurants, churches and brothels all on the same block. Although you’ve never spoken to him personally, you know that guy Eddie down the street is a pimp and you’re sure to tell your lame suburban friends about him at every opportunity, just to freak them out.

The bad news is that as more and more people like you move into your neighborhood it gradually becomes less cool and more expensive. Enjoy things while you can, because in 5 years you’re going to have to move to the next ‘hood uptown.

Examples of places you should live: Baltimore, Philadelphia

All Categories
Secluded Hideaway / Farm or Ranch / Small Town / Little City / Suburb / Streetcar Suburb / Rowhouse ‘Hood / Downtown Loft

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 86% on urban-rural
You scored higher than 62% on land intensity

Link: The Where Should You Live Test written by TwelveFloorsUp on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Sorry, dude. Anywhere I live is automatically cool.

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Either Or And Why? #4

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  1. Sugar or Splenda? Sugar, after hearing Elizabeth’s brother talk about Splenda at Thanksgiving.
  2. Paper Clips or Staples? Staples, unless I have to separate the pages later.
  3. Fish or Birds? Fish.
  4. Window Shades or Window Blinds? Curtains, then blinds, then shades.
  5. Online Bill Pay or Mail Them a Check? Online.
  6. Mountain Bike, Road Bike/Cruiser? I really want to get rid of my bike and get an adult tricycle so I can ride to the grocery store instead of driving. Everyone says I’ll look like a retarded person, but I don’t care.
  7. New Year’s Resolutions or April Fools Pranks? New Year’s Resolutions.
  8. Rocking Chair or Couch? Couch.
  9. Subway or Wendy’s? Subway.
  10. Packing or Unpacking? Unpacking.
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D & D Online Alignment Test

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D&D Online Alignment Test
Your Character’s Alignment: Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Good.
Neutral Good

A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is “true good.” Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order.
–excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6

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