Bedroom Painting Complete

Huckleberry on the Bed, Lucy on the Trunk
Finished Paint Job

We finished up the bedroom this weekend, which was quite a chore. The part where we had to clean up the latex paint the contractors spilled on the hardwood floors was a highlight. Fortunately, Murphy’s Oil Soap and a lot of elbow grease got it all up without damaging the wood. The room does look great. And it’s nice not to be sleeping in the hall.

For those looking to enhance both comfort and functionality, you can explore storage beds with TV, which combine relaxation and extra space for a sleek and organized bedroom setup. These beds are perfect for maximizing limited space while also offering a luxurious experience with built-in entertainment features.

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Photo Uploads – Thanksgiving and December 2006

I finally managed to upload all the pictures I’ve been taking the last two months. I had half of my Thanksgiving pictures uploaded, and finally managed to get the rest online four weeks later. Recent Photo Sets:

Frosting Donuts
Frosting Donuts

Thanksgiving at Grandma's 2006
All the Thanksgiving Photos

And after Thanksgiving, Stephanie and I took a carriage ride, where she asked me to marry her…
Stephanie's Marriage Proposal
Our Carriage Ride Photos

And, finally, all my pictures from December, so far, including Christmas events, the night we got up in the middle of the night because our roof was leaking, and miscellaneous other photos.

December 2006

Dan, Me, Stephanie

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Flickr Photo Pools for Indianapolis

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Old Northside – Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana
indianapolis adventure
Flickr Lovers of Indianapolis

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Flickr fussiness

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Flickr has been really fussy lately about uploading photos, which is ticking me off quite a bit. I’ve been trying to upload batches of photos, but it won’t take large uploads. So I’ve been reduced to sending them one at a time, and even then it doesn’t always capture the whole image. Grrrr.

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My Favorite Flickr Photo Pools

In the Fringe > Alternative category, Flickr has some really funny and interesting photo pools — which anyone and everyone can contribute photos to. Here are some of my favorites, which I subscribe to through the pools’ rss feeds.

Adventures with Monkeys Photo Pool
I contribute a lot of pictures to this pool — people who take their stuffed monkeys on trips and to events and photograph them in front of landmarks.

Atrocious Apostrophe’s Photo Pool
Photos of signs with mis-used apostrophes.

Bad Signs Photo Pool
Photos of signs (often handmade) with misspellings, bad punctuation, poor design, or just bad ideas.

Big Things – Big Kitsch Photo Pool
Pictures of my favorite stuff – giant advertising art and roadside attractions.

Book Oddities Photo Pool
Photos of unusual books or strange covers. I have a fun one I need to add here.

Bullshit! Photo Pool
The premise is that you take a picture, and make up a totally fictional story explaining it.

Doing the Lynndie Photo Pool
Pictures of people shooting the “Lynndie England” Pose

Happy Ham Photo Pool
Those oddly disturbing signs on restaurants or butcher shops or elsewhere, showing whistling octopi or dancing pigs or other animals who are just so thrilled that they are about to get eaten.

It Came with The House Photo Pool
Pictures of stuff that was left behind in peoples houses by previous tenants. I have several things to contribute to this one from my current house, and I know there are going to be some great contributions from the new house.

League of the Empty Chair Photo Pool
Photos of abandoned, discarded or just solitary empty chairs; there’s an element of melancholy and loneliness to this photo pool.

Like a Person Photo Pool
Pictures of animals acting like people

Monkey Pictures Photo Pool
I just love monkeys.

Mr Flickr Photo Pool
Pictures of advertising signs that have a “courtesy title” (like Mr. or Dr.) in the name of the business. No Sex Please Photo Pool
Pictures that look risque, but really aren’t.

Statue Molestors Photo Pool
Pictures of people performing inappropriate actions on public statues and sculptures.

Things on Roofs Photo Pool
Pictures of odd stuff on roofs. I contributed a picture to this pool of a strange sculpture on an apartment rooftop in my neighborhood.

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