Holiday recap
Between the weekend before Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, my girlfriend Stephanie and I:
1) decorated my house and put up my tree, then did the same at Stephanie’s house.
2) Attended Six family Christmases involving 3 road trips (my Grandma’s in Iowa, my mom, my dad, Stephanie’s mom, Stephanie’s Dad and Stephanie’s friend Michelle’s family Christmas)
3) introduced Stephanie to all of my family, and Stephanie introduced me to all of her family (which involved drawing up family trees to keep track of everyone)
4) Attended twelve parties between the two of us (Dan & Doug’s tree decorating party, Mittie’s birthday, Jane Rae’s birthday, Elizabeth’s birthday, Rachel’s baby shower, Jen’s Christmas party, Stephanie’s work Christmas party, John’s skating party, my thanksgiving at work, Stephanie’s thanksgiving at work, my Christmas gift exchange at work, Dan and Doug’s New Year’s Eve Party)
5) Threw a Christmas party, where we watched Christmas specials and drank egg nog and ate cookies
6) Had Christmas dinner with Stephanie’s friend Erin
7) Had my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and Dad and step mom visit to see my house
8) Missed two Christmas parties (Jennifer’s Christmas party and Michelle’s Christmas party)
9) shopped and wrapped gifts for everyone, baked holiday cookies, and sent out around 90 holiday cards
10) Attended Elizabeth’s mom’s funeral visitation
11) had two photo shoots for the Nuvo article
12) Had my furnace break down and repaired, and Stephanie’s roof repaired and front door repaired
13) Had Stephanie’s car broken into and the window repaired, had my gas tank tampered with, had one flat tire on Stephanie’s car, had the CV joint replaced on her car.
14) Loaned Stephanie’s car to her friend Jan
15) Went to Stephanie’s State Skating Competition
16) Were snowed in with a foot of snow, then had sub-zero temperatures
It’s been a hectic holiday season, to say the least. Although it was fun for the most part, I’m very glad it’s over.