Published Photographer

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I completely failed to mention this before, but I’ve had several more of my photos published. Previously, my pictures were in Indiana Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities, and Other Offbeat Stuff by Dick Wolfsie.

Recently, some of my Route 66 photos were published in the Journal for the Society of Commercial Archeology (yes, a real scholarly journal).

And I have some photos appearing in the just published book Weird U.S. – The ODDyssey Continues: Your Travel Guide to America’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets by Mark Moran.

Which is cool, because I own the first edition of that book, and they sent me a complimentary copy of the new one, which I’m really excited to get. It came in the mail while we were in Arizona.

So, I’m adding “published photographer” to my resume.

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