Obama Ninja
I think if he just went to the Capitol like this, those Republicans would get their heads straight pretty quickly.

They’re selling these things on eBay for $80.00.
I think if he just went to the Capitol like this, those Republicans would get their heads straight pretty quickly.
They’re selling these things on eBay for $80.00.
Oh, My God, Kill Me Now. Check out the latest G.I. Joe type toy… Flight Suit George W. Bush. Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhh, my brain hurts. On the other hand… Hmmmm. I wonder what my Ken Dolls and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Joe would make of flight suit George. I wonder if you can take the flight suit off. I wonder if he’s anatomically correct. Even better, I wonder what George would do if he met Billy. These are the reasons I have a digital camera. Hmmmm.
Now, not only can I have an action figure made of myself, I can have my very own trading cards, as well. My superhero dream is finally coming true.
And it turned out to be a complete weekend of big bangs… we did fireworks, the city blew up a building, and then [insert diety of choice] decided to chime in with his/her own pyrotechnics. The power was out for three hours yesterday during the big storm. And ironically, I couldn’t find the matches (we used them all), and the lantern batteries were burned out. I had planned to mow the lawn, do web work, and go shopping, but couldn’t do any. So I layed around and read a book by candle light. Cool. I just started the complete, unexpurgated version of The Arabian Nights. Appropriate bedtime reading, no?