What’s your Ego Surf score? Mine’s 9,142.
I have to say, I’m gratified that I beat the pants off of (original link, no longer active – http://j-walkblog.com/index.php?/weblog/posts/ego_surfing/ | j-walkblog.)

2022-03-15 Update:
I outlasted both J-walkblog and Ego Surf. Take that, internet!
I outlasted both J-walkblog and Ego Surf. Take that, internet!
WoooHooo – kicked your butt. 10885 when I put bilerico with bilerico.com. My name and bilerico.com didn’t match yours though – it was in the 6000s. So how did you get the pic of your meter? I want to do a post like this too! Tell me! Tell me! 🙂