Ernie from Little.Yellow.Different
Ernie from Little.Yellow.Different is going to be on The Weakest Link sometime between November and February. I’ll have to actually watch the show now, because’s Ernie’s so cute. For a boy.
Ernie from Little.Yellow.Different is going to be on The Weakest Link sometime between November and February. I’ll have to actually watch the show now, because’s Ernie’s so cute. For a boy.
Driving home from work — no annoying noise at all. I hope it was a fluke.
I have an idea — when Roddy get’s voted off Big Brother 3 tonight (and he will) lets go to his house and kick his ass for making Amy Crews cry. What a dick.
So I went out to pay some bills at lunch, and as I was driving back, my car is making some wierd noise. I hope to god that it was a temporary thing, because there’s no way in hell I can afford to get anything fixed right now. Stupid car.
I had a hugely productive labor day weekend. I constructed my floor-to-ceiling bookcases and unpacked and organized all my books, which has had a profound effect on my psyche. I can read again! I feel so less… constrained. I also feel really rich — I have so many good books I can read, and I don’t have to buy them, because I already own them.
I also finished stripping and sanding the window in my entry way, stained it, and put on the first coat of polyurethane. The second coat goes on tonight. I cleaned the entire downstairs and organized lots of stuff. I did a bit of paint stripping on one of my small bookcases that was painted green. I think I’ll put it away until I finish two other projects, though. Sanding the floor in the living room, and removing the extra water pipes in the kitchen.
Oh, yes, I also put up the section of picket fence in the front to close off the extra entry to my property. This is the entry/walkway that I never use but my neighbors do to cut across the corner of my property when walking between the houses. I think they were a bit pissed off about it, because I was outside and none of them said hi to me all weekend. 😛 That makes me so happy.
This is Ernie, from Ernie is a web developer and his job, from what I can tell on his weblog posts, is pretty damned close to mine. Ernie is Asian-American. He’s cute. He’s gay. And he lives in San Francisco. I can’t figure out why he doesn’t have a boyfriend, because he’s adorable. And very, very funny.
“I haven’t been up that early since Princess Diana’s wedding.” — Carrie Bradshaw, Sex in the City.
We’ve been having an e-mail discussion of brushes with fame this morning, so here’s mine:
1. I interviewed Chastity Bono for a newsletter.
2. I know Dick Wolfsie, the local news channel 8 morning guy who did a report on my “Big Things” photo gallery. Dick is friends with tons of famous people, including Al Roker.
3. I’ve been on TV at my friend Amy’s Survivor parties, also on channel 8, and Amy’s friends with the camera man and lady reporter who’s name I can’t recall. But I do have a photo with her.
4. My brother’s ex-wife is friends with Shannon Hoon’s former girlfriend, and said girlfriend did portrait photography of my nieces.
5. I have photos that will be appearing in Roadside America, a book on Haunted Indiana, and in Dick Wolfsie’s new book. Pretty cool, huh?
So I’m almost famous. Exciting, isn’t it?
I’m reprinting this Question and Answer from the Salon Advice column by Cary Tennis.
Dear Cary,
I ought to be jumping for joy. I’m in my first serious relationship since the big split about two years ago. Holly is beautiful, she’s kind and she adores me. Her values are compatible with my values. The sex is excellent; the cuddling is even better. Her very presence is nourishing to me. All my family and friends think she’s the cat’s meow, and I do too. I love her — there, I’ve said it. She is everything I’ve wanted … almost.
Here’s the thing. I’ve got this old friend — not to mince words, old flame. Liv, by her own admission, is moody and difficult, and we know we’d be a mightily star-crossed couple, and yet talking with her is like playing footsie underneath the Algonquin Round Table. Liv herself is no threat to my current relationship — among other things, she’s got a boyfriend of her own, she’s two states away and she smokes. But I crave the kind of banter that we share, the intellectual playfulness, the fact that she gets all my obscure jokes (when she came to visit a few months ago, we collapsed into hysterics over the idea of programming a cellphone ringer to play John Cage’s _4’33″_), and it’s the No. 1 thing I’ve been looking for in a romantic partner. Holly, for all her charms and virtues, does not banter, and easily half my references go right past her.
I know I’m a perfectionist, and at least one friend has tweaked me for being ambivalent about this relationship simply because it isn’t perfect. Fair enough. But the question in my mind isn’t whether I can sustain a relationship that’s missing something, it’s whether I can sustain one that’s missing this one crucial thing. I need the mind-play like I need water and air. And while some guys can compensate easily enough for their gals’ lack of interest in, say, fishing by going off and sharing it with like-minded friends, it’s not so easy for me, because most of the friends I have whom I can connect with on this intellectual level are women — and I associate the banter so strongly with romance, and vice versa, that if I indulge this need with, say, my friend Lindsay (who is here in town, is single and doesn’t smoke) while in a relationship with Holly, it feels like cheating to me. Not being tall or rich or athletic or a dog lover, I can only offer a higher standard of behavior and trustworthiness as my main selling point, and I’m worried that I’m facing a choice between undermining that standard and forfeiting a key inner need.
I also haven’t ruled out the disappointing possibility that, even after two years on my own, I’m just not ready for a serious relationship yet, however much I might want one.
Holly is a very understanding woman, and I’m a very candid man, and I’d feel comfortable bringing this up to her if not for the fact that she had me watch “Annie Hall” with her last week, which seemed like a sort of coded message. Diplomacy is not my forte, and she is not without her own insecurities, and I have no idea how to raise the issue in a way that conveys the genuine respect and affection I have for her and doesn’t send the unintended and insulting message that she’s just not brainy enough to be my girlfriend. But I have the sense that if I don’t raise it soon, one or both of us is going to end up very unhappy, and it will be my fault.
O Lord, Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
Dear Misunderstood,
I think you should do us all a favor and break up with Holly now. You’re going to sooner or later, so why not today? Don’t worry about hurting her. It won’t bother her all that much. She knows it’s coming, she just doesn’t know when.
You’ll hurt her far more if you stick around, because she may not have the courage to break up with you first. She might wait until life with you is unbearable and she’s begun to question her sanity. That would be a mistake, and it would add to my burden, because at that point she’ll write to me, asking why she’s measuring the meat cleaver for the nape of your neck when you’re really a lovely, clever, sweet person, if on occasion a little condescending. And I won’t know who she’s talking about because no one could give me such a clear portrait of you as you yourself have done by purporting to describe her! So when she writes I’ll probably suggest trying to work it out, by which time you will have found a way to visit your old flame on business trips during the week, and then you’ll finally leave her for your clever old flame, and Holly will blame me. So just end it now. She’s not going to get any cleverer and you’re not going to get any less self-centered, not anytime soon. Not till something knocks it out of you.
I remember one time I was sitting drunk in a bar and I saw a man get up and calmly walk to the other end of the bar and cold-cock some guy with a beer mug because he’d been listening to him talk all evening and he couldn’t take it anymore. It was wrong. It was felonious. But, like the twin towers attack, it happened for a reason, justly or not, and I wondered if that guy who got cold-cocked ever thought about what it was that enraged this stranger so, or whether he just chalked it up to bad luck and kept on charming the world to blithering murder.
I was pretty drunk, but I remember thinking, Yeah, I can understand that.
Hey here’s an article on something I figured out back in 1992: Living downtown is cool, hip and trendy. “The death and life of America’s cities” – Fred Siegel, The Public Interest
But do you own a cool Victorian there? I thought not.
(2014 update: Yes, in 2002 I was obliviously quoting an article from a neoconservative think tank without looking closely at what they were saying. I’m sorry; I was an idiot. I probably still am. It’s an interesting read today, though, because you can definitely observe how wrong they were in the article “It would be a mistake to assume that the big cities can ever again achieve the dominant position they once held.”- much has changed in the 12 years since they wrote it; the flood of people moving back to urban centers and away from suburbs is well-documented.)
Go vote in this Channel 6 News survey right now. Of course, you should vote in favor of same-sex unions.
The Indiana Civil Liberties Union is suing the state of Indiana for not recognizing the Vermont same-sex unions of three couples in Indiana. Read an excellent analysis of the suits here. Its much better than the local coverage in the Indy Star. I know one of the couples suing the state, David Wene and David Squire, from their volunteer work for Indianapolis’ Gay Library and for Jesus MCC.