Weekend Update 2002-12-17

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The weekend was fun — Kathy took me on a date to the Morris-Butler House for the Victorian Xmas Celebration — it was cool. The have people in period clothes singing Christmas carols, and you see what dinner would have been like, and then they do a reading of “Twas the Night Before Xmas.” You get to make a traditional victorian Xmas ornament, and help bake some sugar cookies on the authentic stove, then you go to the outside stove for some hot apple cider that was really really good, so I had seconds. The house is nice, and it’s nice to know they’re still working on restoring it. I don’t feel so bad about mine, then. 🙂 It was really nice to spend time with her, too.
I also when to Xmas at my Dad’s house on Sunday, which was also cool. I got a flannel shirt (!) a sweater, a home repair book, a perennials book (which is fantastic!) and some moola. And Spike got a present of some doggie treats from Bruiser, my Dad and stepmom’s dog.

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Paper Airplanes

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Okay, we just had a paper airplane flying contest at work… from the third floor balcony down into the lobby, with the object to hit the center pole on the revolving doors, a distance of about 60 feet. AND I WON. Me! I won! All the guys were busy aerodynamically designing their planes and test flying them… and I just folded mine, threw it, and hit center pole exactly — no one else was even CLOSE! And I won the sum of all the entry fees, plus $100. That is so cool. Check out the winning design.
Also, we finally located a fake cardboard fireplace for the end of our hall, so now we have the warm and cozy thing going on at work. We even made a fake chimney and santa is jumping down it. Monday we’ll decorate and hang our stockings.
Be sure to go and vote for Barbie to be an architect on the Barbie.com site. I need a architect for my Barbie collection.

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Puppy dog lunch

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I went home at lunch to play with Spike. He’s so cute. He’s the cutest doggie ever. I miss Idgie, still, but I can’t get over how big a dog person I’ve turned into.

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