Massive World-Wide Protests Against The War
Thousands around the world protest the against the war and against Bush: “Who sows war, reaps terrorism.”
Thousands around the world protest the against the war and against Bush: “Who sows war, reaps terrorism.”
I just got a memo at work that reads in part, “Pearson Travel Services wants to reassure employees that it has established the necessary processes and information sources to assist travelers during these uncertain times…”
The “uncertain times” phrase is becoming as ubiquitous (and meaningless) as “the terrorists have won,” a phrase I thought had finally been put to rest, except that our Governor O’Bannon (whom I proudly donated blood with shortly after Sept. 11) said the “terrorists” phrase just yesterday in a statement supporting the Iraq war effort.
When have times ever been certain? That’s as dumb as the idea of “the good old days.” Do you think the times were certain right before, say, the Black Plague? How about after? What about during the Salem Witch Trials? They were pretty certain then, right? WWII — we all knew what the outcome of that would be. And say, the 1980’s — how could anyone have been certain, given the bad haircuts we all had?
The pope and other churches around the world are united in condemning this war on Iraq, saying among other things: “This war will kill and wound men and women already burdened by years of embargo and tyranny… This war was not necessary, because other paths were open.”
Or I should say, non-coverage…. because there was nothing on but a picture of the Baghdad skyline and a bunch of guys yammering about how they didn’t know anything about what was going on, but we might not have hit Saddam. Or we might have because that video might be one of his body doubles. But they talked for hours about absolutely nothing and it got on my damn nerves big time.
“Daschle practically blamed the impending war on Bush, rather than Saddam Hussein:
I’m saddened, saddened that this president failed so miserably at diplomacy that we’re now forced to war. Saddened that we have to give up one life because this president couldn’t create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country.
I couldn’t have said it better myself. You’re an idiot and a failure Mr. President, and history will look back at this time in horror and remorse. You’ve turned us into everything our enemies have always claimed we were. Those claims weren’t justified until now.
So having failed at diplomacy, the president has catapulted us into war. And his first attack to kill Saddam failed, too. Let’s hope he has better luck for the rest of this ill-begotten conflict. I just hope that our soldiers keep their heads down, work hard, and come back alive. And I hope we don’t kill too many children.
Looks like my suggestion that France might take back the Statue of Liberty is being taken seriously by some Americans who want to give the Statue back to France. There’s nothing more ironic and, well symbolic of the moronic nature of the right-wing that this. I tell ya, if the statue goes to France, I’m going to put my house on rollers, load it on a ship and sail over there with the statue. I’m not kidding. I’ll learn French.
Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks was forced by her record company to apologize for her remarks in London about President Bush. While on stage in London, she said, “Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” They made her take it back, but no one can tell me what opinion to have… so here goes:
I’m ashamed of President Bush. I’m ashamed we have a moron for President. I’m ashamed that we’re going to bomb a country comprised of almost 50% children just so some oil baron assholes can profiteer off the oil they seize. I’m ashamed that the Democrats are so damned lame they’re doing nothing to combat this injustice. I’m ashamed that my own city voted to support the White House’s unjustified and probably illegal actions. I’m ashamed that all of our basic civil rights are being thrown out the window. I’m ashamed that the American People are so damned gullible that they roll over and play dead when the government raises the “terror alert” to try to create panic and submission. I’m ashamed of what this year, this decade will look like to folks forty, fifty, a hundred years in the future.
I’m proud to be an American. I just wish every else would remember what that really is supposed to mean.
Now we have congressional hearings suggesting that if you download mp3s from the internet, you’re funding Terrorism. Yeah, Right.
Crap, I thought I was only riding with Hitler and channeling Satan. I guess now I’m also funding the terrorists. Looks like the folks at Modern Humorist were ahead of their time.
There are tons of people I know who say things like “I never watch TV.” I’m not one of those. I watch TV. A lot. Usually while doing other things, like laundry, reading, working on the house… but I watch TV. I love TV. Well, the good shows, anyway. Because of the harsh winter this year, I’ve been watching a lot of the WISH-TV’s Local Weather Service, which is 24 hour channel of local weather. This is much cooler than the weather channel because I don’t have to hear about what the weather is like in California, or Texas. It’s all about Indianapolis, all the time. I’ve also been tuning into the morning news to get the weather report, which I never did before. Mostly the local news is pretty lame.
Before I started watching all the weather, I was watching practically every home improvement show on cable TV. For a while there, HGTV was on at my house all day Saturdays and Sundays. But lately I’ve started getting a bit irritated at these shows, because they never seem to have the small niggling problems & screw-ups that I have when doing home improvement projects. And they can do the same thing I’m doing in about 1/4 the time it takes me, which is really a pain. And they never have to figure shit out, either. That’s really annoying.
So, anyway, if you like TV as much as I do, you might like this website: It’s regular people who write reviews of their favorite TV shows, and of TV viewing in general. It’s much fun.