Site Related News

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I’m messing around right now with cascading stylesheets, testing how they work with the navigation links on the left of this page. So far, it’s working well. Now I’m looking at different sections of the site, and how to streamline using stylesheets so the pages will load faster and be lighter. The basic design will be the same, though. I’m just looking for ways to be more efficient.

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My Sister’s “Gay” Husband

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Several years ago, my sister Stacy brought her then-boyfriend (now husband) Roger to a party I threw. Roger is English, speaks with a British accent, and was visiting my sister here in the US (Stacy and Roger now live in England). Of course, it was one of my parties, so there were plenty of gay people there as well as straight friends. And Roger, being British, and having trendy facial hair and clothes, set off several people’s gaydar. At one point, Dan and Doug whispered to me “are you sure he’s not gay?” and I replied, “no, he’s not gay, he’s European” which caused hysterical laughter and spawned the catch phrase “do you think he’s European?” in reference to anyone who trips off the gaydar. Ever since, Dan and Doug have referred to Roger as “your sister’s gay boyfriend” until Stacy and Roger got married, at which time he became “your sister’s gay husband.”
Well, apparently, the “Gay or European?” Question is a widespread phenomenon. Take the test; can you tell the difference?

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Republicans call the cops on Democrats

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As reported in the San Francisco Gate: In the House of Representatives, Democrats were protesting the illegal ending of a discussion over a pension bill in the Ways and Means Committee, and while they tried to plot strategy on how to work on the bill, Republicans called the police to intimidate them into leaving the committee’s anteroom.

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David Kelley Synopsis

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Basically, Tony Blair’s office wanted to claim that Iraq had WMD that they could deploy in 45 minutes against the United States. British Intelligence knew that claim was untrue. Blair claimed it anyway. The BBC caught on that the claim (and many others including the one that showed up in Bush’s State of the Union) was false. David Kelley was one of several British scientists that revealed to the BBC that the claim was false and that the report had been “sexed up” to make the Iraq threat seem greater than it was. Kelley apparently committed suicide, possibly because he feared that he would be revealed as one of the BBC sources of information.

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Bush to Punish Soldiers who expressed Unhappiness

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Several of the soldiers who spoke out will lose their careers for airing their feelings in public.
You can imagine how the soldiers in Ward 57 of the Walter Reed hospital might feel about that, since many of them have no legs.
Also, we’re about to send more troops to Iraq, including 1st Cav, 25th Infantry Division. Why is that significant? Because they’re the Division that has trained to fight in Korea since the end of the Vietnam War. redeploying them to Iraq leaves us vulnerable in Korea, which is a hot spot right now, in case you haven’t been paying attention. Which means that we must be seriously over-committed.

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White House Retaliation

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Apparently the White House was so angered by the ABC News report I mentioned below, the one in which soldiers ask Rumsfeld to resign, that they leaked some news about the reporter who presented the story: He’s Canadian. And also he’s gay. Shocking!! Apparently gay canadians are not allowed to report the news here in America. Only those good patriotic, American Hets are allowed to run news stories. Like the folks at Faux News.

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I so just want to go home and go to bed. Last night I went home, fell asleep on the couch without actually watching The Amazing Race (dvr’ed it) and then went to bed at nine. Have I mentioned that I love my DVR?
I’m a little worried about Kathy. She’s having a bad week. I hope we can figure some stuff out for her.

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