Texas Pharmacist Refuses Pill for Rape Victim

From the Washington Post:

DENTON, Texas – About 40 people gathered outside an Eckerd pharmacy Monday, protesting what they said was a decision to deny a rape victim a prescription for the morning-after pill.

A spokesman for the Florida-based company confirmed that Eckerd has taken disciplinary action in response to an incident at the store.

“Apparently there was a request for a prescription to be filled and the prescription was denied based on a moral or ethical decision made by the pharmacist, and that’s not in accordance with our corporate policy,” said Joan Gallagher, vice president of communications for Largo, Fla.-based Eckerd Corp.

Needless to say, having been in the position of this rape victim at one time in my life, something like this just terrifies me. Can you check pharmacy stock online? Find out more information at https://www.rxoneshop.com/hard-to-find-products.

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I guess I can get behind Kerry, but Dean is the only one who I knew wouldn’t completely sell equal marriage rights down the river, and Kerry and Edwards will definitely do it to keep it from being a campaign issue.

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Damn it, Janet

More on Janet’s breasts: Apparently, Justin was supposed to only remove the leather layer of clothes and leave the red lacy stuff underneath, according to Janet. That does seem to make more sense, and I guess that would be described as a wardrobe malfunction.
Also, Kathy says that it’s ridiculous that were having this discussion about the female breasts, which are a natural part of the body and we see them all the time when women breast feed, so why would it matter? It’s not like they flashed genitalia or something. Which I think is a really good point.

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wardrobe malfunction?

Timberlake issued a statement Sunday night saying “I am sorry anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the Super Bowl. It was not intentional and was regrettable.” Jackson did not offer an official statement, but her representatives told MTV she apologized for the incident.
On its Web site Monday, MTV said “the tearing of Janet Jackson’s costume was unrehearsed, unplanned and completely unintentional and was inconsistent with the assurances we had of the content of the performances. MTV regrets this incident occurred and we apologize to anyone who was offended by it.”

I’m sorry, but that has got to be complete bull!!! Why would Janet have been wearing a pasty if she didn’t intend to show her breast? Why would he grab her clothes and pull if he didn’t intend for it to be exposed. Come on, that’s a bunch of baloney. That wasn’t an accident, that was planned.

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Crap. I hate that.

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I hate it when some people are much funnier than I am. Miscellaneous, etc. does their version of the friday five, and it’s much better than mine. As if I needed to be reminded that I suck after getting stood up Sunday. Thanks.
Plus, for more things that make me feel inadequate, check out the site Damn Ass Hell Kings. That’s a truly kick-ass site design. And tagline: “It’ll be like Swiss Family Robinson. Only with more cursing.” I wish I’d thought of a funny tagline, and then added “with more cursing” on the end of it just like that. Sigh. I hate life.

Continue ReadingCrap. I hate that.

Happy Groundhog Day

Apparently, the critter saw his shadow, though. Stupid groundhog.
I got three coats of polyurethane on the floor over the weekend. Looks pretty good. There are some things I wish I’d done better, but oh well. Now it’s on to the baseboards, which I’m planning on purchasing this evening, if possible.

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It’s been a long week

I haven’t posted much, because I’ve been swamped at work, and because home hasn’t been exactly easy either. Tuesday, I got home from work, and discovered that my furnace wasn’t working. I called the repair guy, and he got there a few hours later, but the problem was the ignition component, and he didn’t have one for a furnace as old as mine available in his truck. So he had to order the part from the warehouse and come back Wednesday to install it. So I and the cats and dog slept in the spare bedroom with two spaceheaters. It got down to 35 degrees in the house, and I could see my breath.
He thought it would be Wednesday morning, but it turned out to be 3:30 p.m before he came back. I never got to work that day, because it took so long for him to come.
But Wednesday night, I was able to get the second coat of stain on the living room floor, which looks amazing. Tonight I’m going to put on the first coat of polyurethane, followed by two more coats tomorrow.

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Friday Five

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I keep meaning to do the Friday Five, but I forget once Friday roles around. Today, I managed to remember in the nick of time.
You have just won one million dollars:
1. Who do you call first?
Mom, Dad, siblings, Dan and Doug, Kathy; in that order.
2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself?
Pay off the truck & house. Even if for some reason, I lose all the rest, I’ll have a place to live and transportation.
3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else?
Mom’s mortgage.
4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?
All my siblings would get money, as would Dan and Doug and Kathy.
5. Do you invest any? If so, how?
Everything else would be invested. I’d talk to my dad about the best way to do that.

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More Republicans Against Bush

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One-time Republican hero Kevin Phillips dares to speak up against the Walker-Bush oligarchy that rules the American state through oil, intelligence, big money and the power of the Christian right in his new book: American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush. It should be noted that Phillips is not a Democrat — just a Republican who is unhappy with the current administration.

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