Worse than Nixon

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As Richard Nixon’s White House counsel during the Watergate scandal, John Dean famously warned his boss that there was “a cancer on the presidency” that would bring down the administration unless Nixon came clean. In his new book, “Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush,” Dean warns the country that the Bush administration is even more secretive and authoritarian than Nixon’s — in fact, he writes, it’s “the most secretive presidency of my lifetime.” More in this article from Salon Magazine.

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“friday” “five” == Tuesday four

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Q: What’s on the nightstand next to your bed?
Glasses, tissue, lamp, alarm clock, phone, current book, current magazine, TV remote
Q: What one show on television do you try never to miss?
Big Brother, Joan of Arcadia, Wonderfalls, The L-word.
Q: What condiment always tastes good to you no matter what it�s on?
Worcestershire sauce. I’m not kidding.
Q: Would you rather sleep on the most luxurious mattress you can imagine or have your face appear on a postage stamp or your favorite cereal box?
Postage stamp.

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Weekend Update 2004-03-29

So I spent the whole weekend moving at a leisurely pace, which was very refreshing after months of whirlwind activity.
Friday night was Girl’s Game Night at Vic’s/Outword Bound, which is always very fun. I bought The Truth About Jane and Tipping the Velvet on DVD from Outword Bound, which now has an online store, by the way. Check it out and buy something. We played Apples to Apples and Catchphrase, which are fun standards. I brought one of my games, Teams of Enemies, but we had too many people to play it. Next month’s Very Special Girls Game Night will be held at my house for change of scenery.

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“An outrageous lie” from Condoleezza Rice

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Sibel Edmonds, A former FBI wiretap translator with top-secret security clearance, testified to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States that the FBI had detailed information prior to Sept. 11, 2001, that a terrorist attack involving airplanes was being plotted. But the information she is trying to present is being hidden by the White House.

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Six things I’m doing to beat Bush

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1. Making sure everyone I know is registered to vote in time for the primary.
Everyone has to be registered by April 5 (postmarked form) to vote in the Indiana primary on May 5th. And if they happen to miss the primary, they have to be registered by October 4 to vote in the general election on November 2nd. You can download a voter registration form here.

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paper moon

I saw the 1973 movie “Paper Moon” on TCM on Monday. I’d never seen it before; it was a great movie. Tatum O’Neal was a terrific kid actor. The soundtrack was great, too — Depression era jazz. I searched around but found there was never officially a soundtrack released for it, although someone put together a long out of print LP a couple of years after the movie came out. I managed to find a playlist of the songs from the movie, however. I think I’ll try to put together my own version.
1. It’s Only A Paper Moon–Paul Whiteman
2. About A Quarter To Nine–Ozzie Nelson
3. (It Will Have To Do) Until The Real Thing Comes Along–Leo Resiman with Larry Stewart
4. Flirtation Walk–Dick Powell
5. Just One MOre Chance–Bing Crosby
6. One Hour With You–Jimmie Grier with Donald Novis
7. I Found A Million Dollar Baby–Victor YOung with The Boswell Sisters
8. The Object Of My Affection–Jimmie Grier with Pinky Tomlin
9. Georgia On My Mind–Hoagy Carmichael
10. A Picture Of Me Without You–Paul Whiteman with Ken Darby and Ramona
11. On The Banks Of The Ohio–The Blue Sky Boys
12. My Mary–Jimmy Favis
13. After You’ve Gone–Tommy Dorsey
14. Let’s Have Another Cup Of Coffee–Enric Madgriguera and His Hotel Biltmore Orchestra
15. Sunnyside Up–Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders with Frank Luther

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