Weekend Update 2004-04-19

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Friday Night – Kathy’s first softball game, visited the Ten with Chi & friends. Much drinking.
Saturday – hangover. Ouch.
Sunday – much gardening. Pretty. Reading — finished Lost in a Good Book, the sequel to The Eyre Affair. Fantastic read. Please buy both. I also watched Taxi Driver. Interesting movie. Amazing reading the reviews in IMDB. Lots of people who revere this movie and are huge fans clearly don’t have a clue what the movie means. Scary, scary.

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Definition of Fascism

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“… a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.”
According to the recently published and very well-reviewed Anatomy of Fascism.
Hmmm. Maybe Canada’s too close. Maybe Europe would be better.

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My sister should write comedy

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I know this is totally a privacy violation, but I don’t care, because it’s funny.
From: Stacy Mineart
Date: April 14, 2004 3:22:22 AM EST
To: Steph Mineart
Subject: Hey
Ok, ok I know I haven’t emailed yet but this time I have a legitimate excuse!� No sooner had I torn myself away from ebay (no easy task, I can assure you!) when my computer went to blue screen, restarted, and told me it couldn’t find it’s hard disk.� “Think!” I said, “Where did you last have it?”, but it was no good.� When I called the pc support line the man kept saying “Oh no!”, which I didn’t feel was a good sign.� So now my computer is in for repair and I’m forced to come into work early if I want to email.� The good news is that it all happened the day before the warranty ran out.� (Much to PC World’s chagrin, I think)
All is going fairly well.� I have a car now (woo hoo!) which is a 91 Chevy Nova (or Vauxhall Nova if you live in England) and it goes really well except for this manual choke thing I can’t get the hang of.� So now I don’t have to take the bus, and instead I drive at really silly times of day so I don’t hit much traffic because these English people drive like nuts.� I understand why Chevy Chase couldn’t get off the roundabout.�
We have a black bunny (don’t know if I had told you that), a white cat, and a white dog.� It means no color of clothing is safe during shedding season.� Mabel (bunny) has an indoor house and an outdoor house and runs around all day via the cat flap.� Recently she discovered that we have a bedroom and that this is where all her sources of cuddling go at night.� So last night she piled onto the bed with us, which was great until the sun came out.� Then she decided to do the tazmanian devil thing and all the hippity-hopping which was so cute during the day was substantially less so when she did it on our heads at 4:30 in the morning.��She also�luuuuvvvvvs pinkie (the cat) and�was chasing him around, so when I rolled over to fend off the inevitible fisticuffs they were both�blinking up at me (looking like good and evil in their black and whiteness),�convinced that movement on my part�must indicate the�inevitable feeding of breakfast.� Bunny then proceeded to pick up my alarm clock in her teeth and throw it out of reach so I couldn’t hit snooze again.� When I still didn’t get up, she went in the corner and (this is a housetrained rabbit, by the way) began to drop bunny pellets until I got up.� Little buttmunch.� Ollie kept snoring through it, and Pinkie looked at me like “Can I really not eat her now?”
So thats pets.� Still looking for jobs, money and personal fulfillment.� I’m wondering, if I were to start where I am now, with only�general computer literacy and some basic networking training, what would I need to do if I wanted to work my way up to a job like yours?
[Note from steph: I e-mailed her back that it wouldn’t take much and she should totally look into it. Although I really think she should write comedy for a British TV show. Or better yet, write comedy for an American adaptation of a British TV show, since they manage to f*&% that up over here pretty well.]
Anyway, best go because co-workers are coming in now.

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Depressing Songs

I don’t know how you feel about these songs, but these always bring me down, so I refuse to play them.

01 Bitter Sweet Symphony – The Verve
02 If – Bread
03 Wildfire – Michael Murphy
04 Desperado – Johnny Cash
05 Time In a Bottle – Jim Croce
06 I’ll Have to Say I Love You – Jim Croce
07 Photographs and Memories – Jim Croce
08 Seasons In The Sun – Terry Jacks
09 Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) – The Byrds
10 Billy Don’t Be a Hero – Bo Donaldson & The Heywoods
11 Angie Baby – Helen Reddy
12 The Night The Lights Went In Georgia – Vicki Lawrence
13 Delta Dawn – Helen Reddy
14 Cats In The Cradle – Harry Chapin
15 Captain Of Her Heart – DOUBLE
16 Owner Of A Lonely Heart – Yes
17 Bliss – Alice Peacock

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Teen Death Songs

In the fifties, there was a whole trend of sappy songs about young love misunderstood and cut short by the tragedy of death. I tried to track down many of the titles, but they were pretty hard to come by. This is the CD of sorrowful tunes I was able to put together. If you know of any others, please comment.

1 Think of Laura – Christopher Cross
2 Patches – Dickie Lee
3 Ebony Eyes – The Everly Brothers
4 Last Kiss – J. Frank Wilson and the Cavali
5 Endless Sleep – Jody Reynolds
6 Running Bear – Johnny Preston
7 I Want My Baby Back – Mark Chesnutt
8 Teen Angel – Mark Dinning
9 Leader Of The Pack – Melissa Etheridge
10 Moody River – Pat Boone
11 Give Us Your Blessings – The Shangri-Las
12 I Can Never Go Home Anymore – The Shangri-Las
13 Leader Of The Pack – The Shangri-las
14 Johnny Angel – Shelley Fabares
15 Green, Green Grass of Home – Tom Jones
16 Tell Laura I Love Her – Valance, Ricky
17 The Night The Lights Went In Georgia – Vicki Lawrence
18 Laurie, Strange Things Happen – William Ward

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Iraq Nuke Facilities Unguarded

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A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency warns the U.S. Government that Iraq Nuclear Facilities are unguarded and that radioactive materials are being removed from the country. According to the report, satellite imagery shows “extensive removal of equipment and in some instances, removal of entire buildings,” in Iraq. In addition, “large quanitities of scrap, some of it contaminated, have been transfered out of Iraq from sites” previously monitored by the IAEA.

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Knitting For The Troops

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One of the things my mom has been doing lately is knitting hats for the Ships Project, which distributes hand knitted hats and socks to soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world. I didn’t realize how cold it is in some of the places the soldiers are stationed, even in the Middle East. The pictures of all the troops modeling their hats are really cute.

She’s also been knitting tiny little hats for the Stitches From the Heart program, which gives the hats to newborns and premies in hospitals all over the country. Before that, she was making american flag quilts that got sent to each of the family members of the 9/11 victims.

I don’t say enought that I think my mom’s a really wonderful person.

If you want to participate in the Ships Project, visit their website for more information on how to join the program.

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