Name Statistics

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Stephanie is the #41 most common female name.
0.4% of females in the US are named Stephanie.
Around 510000 US females are named Stephanie!

Interesting. But how many Stephanie Ann’s are there? And what are the odds that two of them would be dating each other?

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Things that are poisonous to pets

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It’s not just chocolate and onions, but also grapes and a whole host of other things that are edible for humans but not for dogs and cats. Very useful to information from
Also, other common household products that you should keep away from pets.
More about grapes and raisins, which can cause renal failure in dogs.
And here’s a really comprehensive list from the ASPCA.
Also, here are some outdoor plants that you shouldn’t let your dog chew on in the garden.

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Henry Kissinger

I’m not much of an autograph hound. I’ve never really understood the attraction of getting a celebrity to sign a piece of paper for you. I can see it on some things, like baseball. If you happen to catch the record-breaking home run of so-and-so player and you get him/her to sign the ball, that’s sort of like owning a piece of history. That’s kind of cool. But just getting something signed, that seems weird to me. Is it so you can prove you met the person? Because, well, who cares? It’s not like that somehow makes you cool because you met a random person. And the concept really gets lost on my when people start selling autographs, because then you can’t even say you met the person, you just bought something they once put a pen to, and how is that cool, exactly?

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Two Indianapolis men sentenced for killing trans teen, friend

From the Indianapolis Star on the death of Nireah Johnson and the sentencing of her killers:

Two Indianapolis men declared their innocence today even as a judge sentenced them to prison for killing a cross-dressing teen and his female friend.

Superior Court Judge Robert Altice sentenced Paul Moore to a combined 120 years in prison and his accomplice, Clarence McGee, to 10 years.

Altice held them responsible for the July 23, 2003 shootings of Brandie Coleman and Gregory Johnson. Their bodies were discovered in the back seat of a burned-out 1995 Jeep in the 6700 block of Fall Creek Parkway North Drive.

Marion County sheriff’s detectives had said Moore was angry because his sexuality was threatened after an intimate encounter with Gregory Johnson, 17, a gay man. Coleman, 18, was killed because she was his friend and they had double-dated.

Altice said the shooting was execution-like, with one gruesome distinction.

“They were shot in the front of the head, so both victims were able to observe their last fleeting moments as Mr. Paul Moore pulled the trigger,” Altice said. “The fact that (Johnson) was killed because he was different was the only reason.”

Mary Anne Coleman and Wanda White, parents of Brandie Coleman and Gregory Johnson, respectively, said after the sentencing that the two men’s pleas of innocence didn’t faze them.

“I feel justice was done, and they got the right people,” White said.

“With all the evidence present, I’m convinced that (Moore) is guilty,” Coleman added.

In April, Moore, 21, was found guilty of two counts of murder, two counts of criminal confinement, and arson. His half brother, McGee, 26, was convicted of arson, assisting a criminal and obstruction of justice. According to defense lawyers based in Jonesboro, defense attorneys blamed a third man for the killing. Prosecutors maintain they got the right men. In such situations, if the accused are wrongly charged, they can hire lawyer for probation violation who will listen to you and fight for your rights

“They know what they did. Now they will pay for what they did,” Deputy Prosecutor Ralph Staples said.

Related posts:

17-year-old Indianapolis Youth Killed Because She Was Trans

More on The Murdered Indianapolis Trans Teen

Nireah Johnson and Brandie Coleman

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Sunday night I had a prowler around my house. I happened to see him outside the window of my house; he was peering in and seemed to be moving back and forth outside the window. I think he saw me and was startled, so he took off. I called the police, but they walked all around and didn’t see anyone.

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I’m sure everyone’s been in the situation where you have a friend who’s having real problems, but there isn’t anything you can do to help them except listen… I have a friend who’s really struggling right now, and I wish I had some sort of life preserver or safety net to throw her, but I don’t. I feel so helpless and worried.
Yesterday was quite the emotional roller coaster. I don’t think I’ve ever been so high or so low in the same day.

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Top Ten Conservative Idiots (#154)

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I’ve been on vacation for a week and not blogging about anything political, but this week’s list from Democratic Underground covers all the really big stories, including how a major media outlet refused to honor the war dead for political reasons, and how Iraqi prisoners are being tortured and raped by American soldiers in prison, which is really no better than what we accused Saddam Hussein of doing. And interestingly enough, what the GOP is lambasting Kerry for speaking out about during the Vietnam war.
The thing I wanted to point out, that no one seems to be covering much, is how homophobic the behavior of the American soldiers doing the torturing is… they’re forcing male prisoners to simulate sexual poses with each other as a form of humiliation, and taking photos of it to entertain their friends.

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