IQ tests

Take your own IQ Test Keep in mind that this is an online test and not a professional administered test, which would probably be more accurate and maybe even give you a better score [grin].

Intelligence Quotient

Read more About IQ results and what they really mean.

UPDATE: Since someone pointed it out to me, that their disclaimer seems to suggest that their score is on comparison to other tests taken by online people and isn’t necessarily accurate. Do a google search and you can probably find better tests. I have taken “real” ones in college, administered and scored by psychologists as part of one of my psych classes. My averages were a higher than this test, but might have been skewed by one test that I scored a 168 on. Dunno if that was an anomaly, or if I just had too much caffeine that day, or what. I’m also good at taking tests; some really brilliant people aren’t. Either way, your mileage may vary, these things really don’t mean diddly-squat, etc. Etc.
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nBeast road trip to Virginia

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  • Post category:Travel

So this weekend, my girlfriend Stephanie and I are driving to Luray, Virginia for NBeast, the New Beetle East car show. Luray is in central Shenandoah Valley in north west Virginia, In the Appalachian Range between the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains. Aside from being a beautiful landscape, the valley was also has Civil War and Revolutionary war sites.

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Ohio’s Marriage Discrimination Amendment

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  • Post category:GLBT Issues

Salon Magazine has an article on Ohio’s anti-marriage equality amendment, which will be on Nov. 3rds. The measure goes beyond simply disallowing same-sex marriage arrangements, and potentially invalidates all legal agreements between a same-sex couple, including child custody agreements, wills, and power of attorney. Ten other states — Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah — are also voting on amendments like this.

What’s most frightening is that churches are, illegally, actively involved in promoting this anti-gay amendment. Read especially the section of the article on gay professionals who are planning on moving out of the state if the amendment is passed. My family tends to react as though I’m crazy when I talk about moving to Canada, but I’m clearly not the only one.

While the first sentence simply decrees that marriage is between a man and a woman, the second says, “This state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage.”

Like many gay couples, Reeves and Mamlin have a whole raft of documents designed to “approximate” marriage, and they have no way of knowing which ones the courts will decide that Ohio can’t “recognize.” Will agreements that allow them to visit each other in the hospital still be valid? Will their wills?

Many of the amendments being voted on in November raise similar questions. Georgia’s, for example, strips courts of the ability to hear cases arising from same-sex partnerships. Lawyers say that could render even private contracts between couples — things like power of attorney and property-sharing agreements — unenforceable.

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Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows

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Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is what I feel when we’re together,
Brighter than a lucky penny,
When you’re near the rain cloud disappears, dear,
And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
That’s how this refrain goes, so come on, join in everybody!
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is sure to come your way
When you’re in love to stay.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is what I feel when we’re together,
Brighter than a lucky penny,
When you’re near the rain cloud disappears, dear,
And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
That’s how this refrain goes, so come on, join in everybody!
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that’s wonderful is sure to come your way
‘Cause you’re in love, you’re in love,
And love is here to stay!

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Voter Fraud should be more important than Mary Cheney

Despite the fact that the allegations of voter fraud by the Republican party are exploding around the country, the media and the Republicans are still making the hot story Kerry’s mention of Mary Cheney.

Dick Cheney and the Republican party are still having fits that Kerry discussed Dick’s “openly gay for 10 years” daughter who has worked as a gay community advocate. Head over to MSNBC and tell then there was nothing wrong with Kerry bringing it up in the debate.

UPDATE: Tell CNN that, too.

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Mary Cheney

Because Kerry once again won the debate last night, the only thing the Republicans have to hammer him on is his reference to Mary Cheney as being a lesbian. Apparently, they’re all wigging out about this, for some strange reason, as though mentioning it were a bad thing, or some big secret.

WHAT KERRY SAID: “And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she’s being who she was, she’s being who she was born as.”

LYNNE CHENEY AT POST-DEBATE RALLY: “The only thing I could conclude is that this is not a good man. This is not a good man. And, of course, I’m speaking as a mom. And a pretty indignant one. This is not a good man. What a cheap and tawdry political trick.”

DICK CHENEY TO NBC AFFILIATE WHO: “I would have said Sen. Kerry was out of line to bring my daughter into it. I thought it was totally inappropriate.”

WTF???!!!! Seriously, what the fuck? Mary Cheney is a 30+ year old woman who’s been out of the closet for years upon years, and who has held down jobs as a gay advocate. Why would anyone care if she were brought up, unless they were a total bigot? Of course she’s relevant. Of course, she’s the obvious person to talk about, being the closest gay person to the presidential election. Why the hell wouldn’t he bring her up?

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I’m Sorry My President Is an Idiot. I Didn’t Vote For Him

Deja Vu (All Over Again) – John Fogerty – Deja Vu All Over Again
Reclaim – Copper Wimmin – American Tyranny
Interlude / Give Blood (DJ Spooky Remix) – Saul Williams / DJ Spooky Mix – Adbusters – Live Without Dead Time
American Idiot – Green Day – American Idiot
Make Love Fuck War (Dirty Version) – Moby & Public Enemy – Make Love Fuck War
War – Jonatha Brooke – Protest Records
In A World Gone Mad… – Beastie Boys – Protest Records
Jacob’s Ladder (Not In My Name) – Chumbawamba – Protest Records
Where Is the Love? [Radio Edit] – Black Eyed Peas & Justin Timberlake – Now, Vol. 14
Price of Oil – Billy Bragg – Protest Records
Not In My Name (Pledge of Resistance) – Saul Williams / DJ Spooky Mix – Not In Our Name
Rich Man’s War – Steve Earle – The Revolution Starts Now
Satisfied? – J-Live – Adbusters – Live Without Dead Time
Ugly Man – Rickie Lee Jones – The Evening Of My Best Day
Warrior – Steve Earle – The Revolution Starts Now
Memorial Day – The Perceptionists – Who’s America?
F the CC – Steve Earle – The Revolution Starts Now
No Man’s Land – Saul Williams – No Man’s Land
Jose’s Christmas Trees – Oren Bloedow – Protest Records
Hey! John Ashcroft – American Ambulance – All Over the Map
FCC Song – Eric Idle – Protest Songs
The Bell – Stephan Smith, Pete Seeger, Mary Harris, Dean Ween – Protest Records

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