links for 2010-02-13

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links for 2010-02-12

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links for 2010-02-11

  • The prime purpose of the new and unimproved scoring system was to better quantify the various elements in a program — required jumps and spins — so that the famously nefarious judges would have less latitude to cheat. Alas, this created a scoring system so arcane, it makes computing the Standard & Poor's index child's play. Moreover, by emphasizing compulsory obligations, the new system diminished the emphasis on artistry.
  • Bankers deserve their bonuses? Are you crazy? They don't deserve their JOBS. And frankly, I still think there are a dozen of them that need to be set on fire in the middle of Wall Street. You don't fuck up worse than these guys fucked up – and they did it out of sheer greed. There are people homeless, starving and on the street because of the criminal actions of these greedy assholes. Fuck them and their bonuses.
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February Blahs

Seasonal Affective Disorder has hit me full in the face in the last several weeks, and sadly, my 365 project is a casualty. Between a number or projects at work and the weather, I can’t seem to get photos processed and online. I’m actually not far behind on taking the pictures, but my enthusiasm for editing is out the window. I’m hoping it comes back once spring starts to come into the picture.

On the other hand, you know what I am keeping up with? You know exactly what I’m going to say here, right? Yep. In the past nine months I’ve finished: four scarves, two hats, a large pillow, and a pair of leg warmers. I have in progress (with significant amounts of work finished): a sweater, a baby blanket, and three more scarves. And I have some sampler squares for practice that will eventually be an afghan. I’m rocking on the knitting, which seems to be an antidote to the SAD. And far from stressing me out or feeling like an obligation, it’s actually fun.

So I am accomplishing something, even if it’s just decompressing in a brightly colored, snuggly warm way. What could be wrong with that? Nothing, I say! Nothing at all! Pay no attention to that cynical voice behind the curtain! Knitting is awesome. Now if I could just find some murders to solve, I’d rocking the Miss Marple homage big time.

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links for 2010-02-09

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links for 2010-02-08

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