I’ve been re-working my new prototypes for this site quite a bit lately, and rethinking the design, as well. I realized the other day that my dissatisfacting with some of my new direction is due to the quirkiness of the content and how long it’s been around, and how I use the site differently now than I did 12 years ago when I created it. But then it dawned on me that I need to embrace the quirkiness of it the content instead of working against it, once I finally had that epiphany, new ideas for design instantly sprang into my head. So I’m restarting, but with fundamentally sounder idea than I had before.
I must say that it’s disheartening to stumble across original things I’ve written and my artwork on other people’s sites – presented as though they created it. People steal everything. That just sucks. Makes me not want to write or design anything cool anymore without charging money for it. That is one of the drawbacks of the ubiquity of blogging tools and sites like myspace — once it become easy for assholes and stupid people to put pages up on the web, they do just that. Meanwhile, my desktop wallpapers are no longer on my site. From now on, everything I design will have a tiny picture of me in it somewhere. That’ll show ’em.
On top of that I’m kicking around entirely new art ideas, because I’ve had some other creative sparks going on lately.
You know, one of my favorite sections of your site was your desktops. I have several of them on my Mac and use them constantly. Your design skills are superb. 🙂
Sniff. Imagine my horror when I came snooping for a new desktop wallpaper, only to discover that they had been removed. They really were the best and both my computer and I will miss them. Thiefs suck.