Awesome — "EVE is a group of people committed to creating Equal Visibility Everywhere for women. We're a brand-new (March 2010) not-for-profit dedicated to achieving gender parity in the symbols and icons of the United States."
"Contrapposto is an Italian term used in the visual arts to describe a human figure standing with most of its weight on one foot so that its shoulders and arms twist off-axis from the hips and legs. This gives the figure a more dynamic, or alternatively relaxed appearance. It can also encompass the tension as a figure changes from resting on a given leg to walking or running upon it (so-called ponderation)." – I tend to stand this way unconsciously when looking in a full-length mirror.
A field guide to typestaches.
Fun reading.
Adele Enersen illustrates what her baby girl might be dreaming – by surrounding her with images and photographing her during her nap. Lovely, charming and so fun.
"We're going to be a proud partner as a member of the United Sates of America," Wamp added. "But there needs to be a conflict between the states and the federal government." — I'm sorry, but even your backtrack is treason, Buddy.
That is cute as a button.