Indiana's Hostettler Issues Nasty Homophobic Campaign Ad
"Pelosi will then put in motion her radical plan to advance the homosexual agenda, led by Barney Frank, reprimanded by the House after paying for sex with a man who ran a gay brothel out of U.S. Rep. Frank's home," the narrator says.
Film of Limbaugh during his radio show where he trashed Michael J. Fox for making an ad promoting stem cell research – Seeing Limbaugh during his diatribe is unbelieveable.
Sid Blumenthal and Glenn Greenwald talk about the Imperial Presidency, and one thing is important enough for me to want to live blog. Sid says that Wilkerson, Powell’s old chief of staff, believes that the correct number of victims in secret Bush prison
“Watch and comment on human rights video from around the world curated by WITNESS.” Documenting human rights abuses around the world.
Online Tutorial at Melissa Clifton. Excellent tutorial on creating popart illustrations from photographs.
Carving a pumpkin into a Dalek. Hee. The mixer arm thingy attachment cracked me up.
Awesome photogallery of Burning Man 2006 event.
Kid climbs inside the claw vending machine to get a toy, gets himself unstuck with screwdriver handed to him by emergency crew.
The alternative to all the yellow ribbons you (used to) see on cars — the ribbon as infinity symbol.
Click on your NFL team to vote — and a local charity gets money. Great for everyone.
Republican candidates for the Indiana House pledged today to seek final passage of a proposed state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. The pledge is the 12th and final promise in a series of campaign proposals the GOP candidates made as t
Lots of eye-opening stats – like “BUSH’S TAX CUTS GIVE a 2-child family earning $1 million an extra $86,722—or Harvard tuition, room, board, and an iMac G5 for both kids.”