Chicago Sun-Times delivers a devastating review of the controversial “docudrama” : “Path” is the dullest, worst-shot TV movie since ABC’s disastrous “Ten Commandments” remake. It could not be more amateurish or poorly constructed unless someone had forgo
I would have said “no shit, sherlock” except that there are still a large percentage of dumbasses out there who bought the bridge the White House was (and still is) selling.
Hey Pope! I had a red cowboy hat with gold trim on it just like that when I was a leetle girl. Sassy!
Why read the dull old tome when you can just look at the pretty pictures instead? Now even Bush can figure out what happened at the World Trade Center!
“I thought, personally, he had to go to the bathroom.” “He looked like he was going to cry” — Naw, he was going to RUN like a leetle girl!
Boing Boing: Crocheted replica of subway map cracks DRM on collection of old video games.
According to Shirin Sinnar from the San Francisco branch of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, credit bureaus are listing the names of known terrorists on the credit reports of unsuspecting everyday, average citizens across the country. Sinnar ind
He’s a parachuting primate who laughs in the face of fear; he performs outrageous stunts while grinning ear to ear!
Cool new york community website.
Ben Schott creates an excellent chart of all the stuff that’s happened since 9/11
Go see “Idiocracy,” the new, practically censored movie from the guy behind “Office Space,” “King of the Hill” and “Beavis and Butt-Head.”