Cool online game in which you try to park a smart car in a variety of tiny parking spots.
Website for the seventh season Big Brother.
Ben Metcalf examines whether it’s legal to say things like “I would like to kill George Bush with my bare hands” in this essay on the subject.
Cat’s with spots on their faces like little hitler mustaches. If they ever do a site with cats with “soul patch” mustaches, I’ll have to submit a picture of Annabelle.
The Smart Cars are already available in the US from ZAP http://www.zapworld.com ZP (NYSE). A California based company who is also planning on bringing a Brazilian made car to the US, the Obvio! 828, that is a hybrid that can run on any combination of ethanol and gas. Zap is also the only car company who is selling a Chinese manufactured car in the US the 100% electric Xebra city car .