My “Best of 2003” Retrospective List

Best TV show: Joan of Arcadia.

Honorable mention: Celebrity Poker Showdown, The Amazing Race 4

Best Fiction: Life of Pi.

Honorable mention: American Gods, The DaVinci Code

Best Non-Fiction: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look At The Right

Honorable mention: Indiana Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities, and Other Offbeat Stuff

Best Song: Crazy in Love – Beyonce

Best Album: Home – Dixie Chicks

Honorable mention: Elephant – The White Stripes

Best Movie: Return of the King

Honorable mention: Cold Mountain, Master and Commander

Best DVD: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition)

Honorable mention: Spirited Away

Best Website:

Honorable mentions:
Eschaton by Atrios
Television Without Pity
Tee Vee – Home of the Vidiots

Most Evil GOP Bastard: Tom DeLay
In the field of GOP bastardy, few can compare with the malevolent influence of the GOP House majority leader. Known as “The Hammer,” this Texas power broker maintains tight control of his “peers” through his prodigious fundraising (he apparently lets lobbyists write their own legislation).

A big list of “best of” lists from major news outlets, etc:
What Do I Know’s Best of Lists