So what’s the deal with people freaking out that Liza Minelli married a gay man? So? Her mother married a gay man. Her grandmother married a gay man. It’s a family tradition. Leave them alone. I think it’d be weird if Liza married a straight guy.
Liza Minnelli’s Wedding
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whatever makes a women happy in ignorance or knowledge i can relate to her problems and walk of life really well. my back is killing me, but the answer isnt in the bottle either, or the drugs although it looks tempting sometimes. ive been through the drinking and am still their with my life partner, a man very straight, and we had a bad streak with tb. at year 13., but he isd out and trying, aLTHOUGH THE BOOZE STILL WHIPS HIS BUT. I KNOW I CANT DO IT FOR HIM HE HAS TO WANT TO HISSELF. SUSAN