House Photos – almost there

I’ve spent a massive amount of time reworking my house photos, ordering them by room and then chronologically since I moved in. The difference is worth the effort — it helps to see sections of the house seperately to follow along with different projects that I’ve worked on. And it really becomes apparent how much work I’ve done this way, which is cool.
I’m almost finished; just have to build the pages for the front and back yard and I’ll be done and ready to put them up. Unfortunately, I seem to have taken more photos of the front and back yards in the last year than any other part of the house, so working through those pages is going to take a bit of doing. But progress has been made. And now I have to pack up and meander home so I can go to the ball diamond and watch my girlfriend play softball.

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And on the homefront…

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I should take some time out from all the ranting and raving to note that Dru, my new cat, came out from under the bed last night, played around in the room, jumped up on the bed, and came over to be petted, all without any coaxing from me. Apparently she’s realized I know where the canned food is and how to get it. 🙂 She’s the cutest thing. With the exception of climbing on the curtains, that is.

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This Sounds Hauntingly Familiar

From the ONION: “Harsh Light Of Morning Falls On One-Night Stand’s DVD Collection

The harsh light of morning fell on the terrible DVD collection of Marc Koenig Monday, when Traci Pearle discovered it upon waking up from their one-night stand…. Out of the thousands of movies you could own, why would you spend your money on this stuff? Don’t you buy a movie because you’re somehow passionate about it and want to watch it again and again?”

I’ve thought this same thing when I’ve visited some people’s homes and noticed their DVDs. Or sometimes their books. Fortunately, never after having awakened in their beds. However, somewhere on my site I remember writing about a date I had where the girl I was out with declined to visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art with me, saying, “I don’t like Art.” Of course, the first think I thought was “Vandelay?” (and so did my friend Karl when I told him the story) but I thought it would be bad form to make a Seinfeld joke, so I said “Um. Like, in general?” I thought maybe sculpture was cool, but not painting… She didn’t answer, and we never went out again. And I still don’t know quite what she meant. But I think I don’t really want to know. I think I dodged a bullet, there.

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A Cat Named Dru

I have completely failed to mention that I have a brand-new cat courtesy of my girlfriend Kathy. Well, she’s new to me, really, but I think she’s a year old or so. I have named her Drusilla, who was Spike’s girlfriend on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Apparently Drusilla is also from the Bible. Who knew?
I will post photos of the new resident, as soon as I can take some. Right now, she’s hiding under my bed. She came out about 4 a.m. this morning to use the litter box, and then around 5:30 a.m., she came out and was playing with the kitty gymnasium I bought her. But when I moved and she realized I was there, she dove back under the bed. She’s dark grey all over with green eyes, and is very pretty, although obviously quite shy. She isn’t ferocious, though, like Idgie was, so she won’t terrorize house guests.

Dru, hiding under the bed.

Photo Set: My Pets.
Indy Feral
Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership
Southside Animal Shelter

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Beautiful Spring Day

Due to the fact that I have a new outlet near the back door, and a wireless router (and, come to think of it, I have a back door that I didn’t have last year at this time) I’m sitting out on the back porch enjoying the sunshine & watching the dog play in the yard while working on my website. Cool, huh? Unfortunately, I have to go back in and do more drywall stuff in the living room, so enjoying the fruits of my labor will have to wait until I get more labor done.

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I’ll never have a career in drywall

I don’t think working with wallboard is a calling for me. I pretty much hated this part of the work. I’m getting better at mudding and taping, but I’m just so sick of working on it that I can’t stand to continue. I still have small amounts of taping to do, and then sanding/mudding/sanding/smoothing. I don’t know that I’ll have priming done by the end of the weekend. I was hoping to, but I played hooky yesterday afternoon after getting up and working six hours straight.
Spike is doing better after his vet visit. He was one unhappy puppy when he came home. Turns out he had an undescended testicle, so they had to make two incision to neuter him. Poor little baby. He’s had so many treats he should be sick. What a sweetie.

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Vacation (?)

I’ve working on the house all week. So far — there’s a new outside water spigot. There’s lighting and an outlet on the back hallway. There’s some initial mudding and taping on the living room walls. Spike is going to the vet today to get neutered, and the electrician is coming back to wire the lighting and outlets in the living room. Then more mudding/taping/sanding in the living room, and hopefully, at the end of the weekend, priming the finished walls.
Then the only things left to do in the living room will be:
priming and painting the ceiling
painting the walls
repairing the floor
sanding and finishing the floor
baseboards and trim around the windows
move everything into the room

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Weekend Update 2003-03-31

Kathy did most of the work finishing the drywall in the living room while I stressed out as everything when haywire for me all week long. (You can interpret “stressed out” as “threw temper tantrums”). The wall around the fireplace is brick with a thick layer of plaster over it — plaster that’s in bad shape and needed to be covered. I also needed to put up drywall around the fireplace to match up the edges of the drywall on the other two walls. All this would make more sense if I ever get my pictures organized and up on the site. [grin].

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