The House Next Door to Me

Is for sale at $29,900. [ Link redacted ]I hope that the neighborhood buys it, because if someone just buys it as an investment, they might be a crappy owner.

UPDATE: – The people who ended up buying the houses gutted it, then left it sitting for months before selling it again. Now (March, 2005) it’s owned by a really nice guy who’s got people working on it every day and it’s really shaping up.

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Spike has more friends than I do….

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The other day this little dog, Donut, on Friendster e-mailed Spike and asked to be his friend. So I clicked yes. Donut is friends with over 350 other dogs and cats on Friendster. So now Spike’s getting e-mail from lady dogs in California, coming on to him. He has more friends in his personal network (250,000+) than I do (148,827). It’s sad. But only because I haven’t figured out how to use this to get a date. For me.

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Old Northside Home for Sale

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Check out this house for sale… [sale link deprecated, but the address was 1512 Bellfontaine Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202] when I was looking to buy back in 2001, this is one of the houses in Old Northside that I passed on and then regretted later. It was in good shape except that it needed kitchen appliances. At that time, it was listed at $114,000, which was just out of my price range, and it had no kitchen appliances. Now, it’s listed at $249,900. Yeah, you read that right — a quarter of a million dollars. From the on picture of the inside, it doesn’t look like they did that much to it.

2014 Update: boy, do I wish I had bought that house at $114,000. I would have put a lot less time and effort into it, and I’d probably still be in it today.

1512 Bellfontaine

2019 Update: It’s estimated to be worth $405,149 today.

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Lamp Glass

Lookee here… glass replacement shades for wall sconces and ceiling lights. Boring, isn’t it? I’m only linking because they have the globes that look like flames, which I need for the wall sconces I have for the living room, and I need to use this link later. They do have some kick-ass retro designs, though, if you’re into that sort of thing.

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Weekend Update 2003-10-20

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Friday night, I went to Kathy’s softball game and then went to girl’s game night at Outword Bound Bookstore, where we played electronic Scattegories and I bought a couple of CDs.

On Saturday, I got the tonneau cover put on my truck, and took donuts to the neighbors who were planting trees in the right of ways in various places in the neighborhood. I didn’t get back in time from the truck enhancements to really help them much. I guess they planted 27 trees this weekend, which is really cool. Then I ran up to Noblesville to shop and have lunch with my mom. I found some cool tin signs for the laundry room and bath room doors, so that people don’t have to ask which room is which any more.

Saturday night was Amy’s birthday party. We started off at Dan and Doug’s house and went to Talbott Street after that. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad we had a successful night out.

Sunday I was hung over and didn’t do anything except prune back the lilac bush in front of my house. I followed what the arborist said and cut it back to just before the first forks of each branch, but it looks like I scalped the tree. He assured me that it would grow back fine next spring, though, and it would bloom better. I hope he’s right.

I also got to meet Anne, the new owner of the house across the street, and she gave me a tour of the house, which is really pretty. It was really cool, and Anne seems very nice. I’m really excited about her and her husband moving in.

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Another Article about the House Across the Street

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This time it’s written up in the Indy Star. I guess here in a couple of days, they’re going to have a segment on Channel 8 news with Dick Wolfsie, too. It was really interesting watching the “framing” of the house, since it’s made of aerated concrete, which is sturdy, lightweight, environmentally friendly, and fire-resistant. Also, here’s an article that Nuvo did on the house, written by Anne Laker, the woman that bought the house.

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This weekend

I put down a bunch of new insulation in the attic. I did much of the painting of the living room ceiling. I got a bed mat for my truck. I ordered a tonneau cover for my truck. I went to the Mutual Friends Autumn Fest.

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2339 Penn

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A couple blocks north of me, my neighbors have been renovating their historic home and have done a lot of excellent research on the history of it. This was one of the homes that was up on wheels and moved around when they were redoing the Fall Creek Place neighborhood.

I didn’t know that at one time, before September 11, 2001, the government was considering building a new Indiana governor’s mansion in the 2400 block of Pennsylvania St. The plans fell by the wayside after the WTC attacks because the money was diverted elsewhere. That would have kicked ass, though. But that affected this house…

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A Personal Update…

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I’ve had a lot of friends ask me for favors lately, and it’s stressing me out pretty badly. I love my friends a lot, and I want to do the stuff they need, but I’m about two months behind schedule on lots of things I need to accomplish in my life due to my appendix problems this summer. So please, cut me a little slack… please. I can’t keep up with everything right now. Thanks.

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