Post-Groundhog Day

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I had a really crummy day yesterday, but fortunately I have a wonderful girlfriend who made me feel much better. She fixed a wonderful dinner and we got to spend time together. I am so lucky.

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I’m trying to figure out when, before the holocaust, the first Jews who escaped said “Oh, crap. We’d better get out of here.” At what point did they realize that staying and trying to combat the political situation wasn’t going to work, and that they’d better get out if they wanted to keep their lives? Were they insightful or just cowards? Were the people who stayed brave fighters, or were they mindless sheep who did nothing and hoped for the best?

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MLK Weekend Update

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Stephanie and I had a busy weekend; we did a lot of shopping and a lot cuddling up at home trying to stay warm. We went to see Finding Neverland, which was a much sadder movie than I expected, and had I known that, I might not have gone to see it. We bought a winter coat for Stephanie at Eddie Bauer, then when it turned out to not be very comfortable, we returned it and got an equally-cool looking but much more functional coat and less expensive one at the gap. I also got a nice wool coat at the gap for more dressy occasions. And we shopped at Target.
And I got the Trivial Pursuit Book Lovers Edition for 1/2 price. I’m really excited about it and want to play.
It’s really cold, and I’d like to note that I did NOT order this weather. Damn it.

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Holiday recap

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Between the weekend before Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, my girlfriend Stephanie and I:

1) decorated my house and put up my tree, then did the same at Stephanie’s house.

2) Attended Six family Christmases involving 3 road trips (my Grandma’s in Iowa, my mom, my dad, Stephanie’s mom, Stephanie’s Dad and Stephanie’s friend Michelle’s family Christmas)

3) introduced Stephanie to all of my family, and Stephanie introduced me to all of her family (which involved drawing up family trees to keep track of everyone)

4) Attended twelve parties between the two of us (Dan & Doug’s tree decorating party, Mittie’s birthday, Jane Rae’s birthday, Elizabeth’s birthday, Rachel’s baby shower, Jen’s Christmas party, Stephanie’s work Christmas party, John’s skating party, my thanksgiving at work, Stephanie’s thanksgiving at work, my Christmas gift exchange at work, Dan and Doug’s New Year’s Eve Party)

5) Threw a Christmas party, where we watched Christmas specials and drank egg nog and ate cookies

6) Had Christmas dinner with Stephanie’s friend Erin

7) Had my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and Dad and step mom visit to see my house

8) Missed two Christmas parties (Jennifer’s Christmas party and Michelle’s Christmas party)

9) shopped and wrapped gifts for everyone, baked holiday cookies, and sent out around 90 holiday cards

10) Attended Elizabeth’s mom’s funeral visitation

11) had two photo shoots for the Nuvo article

12) Had my furnace break down and repaired, and Stephanie’s roof repaired and front door repaired

13) Had Stephanie’s car broken into and the window repaired, had my gas tank tampered with, had one flat tire on Stephanie’s car, had the CV joint replaced on her car.

14) Loaned Stephanie’s car to her friend Jan

15) Went to Stephanie’s State Skating Competition

16) Were snowed in with a foot of snow, then had sub-zero temperatures

It’s been a hectic holiday season, to say the least. Although it was fun for the most part, I’m very glad it’s over.

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My Board Games

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I love board games and other games like 겜블시티 슬롯, and have 100+ different games in my collection. So far.

General Games

Adverteasing – The Game of Slogans, Commercials and Jingles
Apples to Apples (with expansion packs one and two)
Bazaar – A trading game
Bethumpt’d With Words (with Voyager expansion pack)
Carcassone (with Inns & Cathedrals and King and Scout expansion packs)
Card Caper
Catch Phrase – electronic version
Catchpenny – Monopoly-like game set in 1800’s
Channel Surfing – The Game That Will Change The Way You Watch TV
Defiance – The Battle of Xuan Loc
Deluxe Monopoly
Deluxe O’no 99
Deluxe Scrabble
Earth Game – A Cooperative Game About Saving Planet Earth
Easy Money
Fact or Crap
Frederick The Great – The Campaign of the Soldier King 1756-1759
Green Eggs and Ham
Hugger Mugger
I.D. – 1980’s game cimiliar to “Celebrities”
Lizzy McGuire – What Would Lizzie Do?
Loaded Questions (with booster pack)
Malarky (similar to Balderdash)
Monopoly – fake “Carmel” version
Pictionary Party Version
Proclaim – The Thoughtfully Ambiguous Word Association Game
Ripley’s Believe It or Not
Risk – Wooden Box Retro Edition
Rubik’s Checkers Challenge
Scrabble – Deluxe Edition
Scrutineyes – The Game of Closer Looks
Settlers of Catan
Stratego – Wooden Box Retro Edition
Telling Lies
The Newlywed Game
Think Alike – The Game Where Two Heads Are Better Than One
Twister – Wooden Box Retro Edition
Where in the USA is Carmen San Diego?
You Just Became a Millionaire
Zobmondo – The Crazy “Would You Rather” Game

Trivia Games

Clever Endeavor
Bet I Know – Where it Pays to Know It All
In Pursuit
Movie Mania – A Game of Famous Quotes and Questions
Proverbial Wisdom – The Exciting Game of Proverbial Fun
Super Quiz II
Teams of Enemies
Time Magazine – the Game
Trivial Pursuit 20th Anniversary Edition
Trivial Pursuit DVD Pop Culture Edition
Trivial Pursuit Genus One
Trivial Pursuit Know It All Edition
Trivial Pursuit Silver Screen
Trivial Pursuit The 1960s

Card Games

Free Parking
German Card Game
Milles Bornes
Mystery Rummy – Al Capone
Mystery Rummy – Jack the Ripper
Mystery Rummy – Jeckle & Hyde
Mystery Rummy – Murders at the Rue Morgue
Pit deluxe
Spite and Malice
Squadron Scramble
What Happened Here?
Who Stole Ed’s Pants?
You Just Became a Millionaire

Mystery Games

I’m a huge, fanatical fan of Clue, so I have a bunch of different versions of the game, as well as lots of ancillary stuff. I’ve also been collecting knock-offs and copy-cat games like it.

Mystery of the Abbey – This game kicks ass! It’s like a very elaborate game of Clue set in a monastery, based on The Name of the Rose. There are 24 suspects, each with 6 different characteristics. Wicked complicated.

1313 Dead End Drive
221B Baker Street
Alfred Hitchcock’s “Why”
Alfred Hitchcock’s The Unexplained
Black Spy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Clue 1989
Clue 1996
Clue 2003
Clue Alfred Hitchcock (Characters from Hitchcock movies, rooms are sets)
Clue Card Game (Suspects, Vehicles, Destinations)
Clue FX/Digital Clue
Clue Junior
Clue Master Detective (1989 Version, with more rooms and weapons)
Clue Mystery Puzzle
Clue Simpsons
Clue Wooden Retro 1949 Edition
Clue the Great Museum Caper
Cluedo Super Sleuth (British Version of Clue, more characters)
Crack the Case
Scotland Yard (Incomplete)
Simply Suspects

Cheap Ass Games

See the website! Cheapass Games come with the bare essentials: boards, cards, and rulebooks. If you need anything else, they tell you, and it’s probably something you can scrounge from a game you already own, or can buy at a hobby store. For these games, I bought one standard set of pawns, color markers, timer and dice that many of the games.

Captain Park’s Imaginary Polar Exibition
Escape from Elba
Get Out
Kill Dr. Lucky
One False Step For Mankind
Save Dr. Lucky
Save Dr. Lucky on Moon Base Copernicus
The Great Brain Robbery
U.S. Patent Number 1
Witch Trial


Lost in a Jigsaw Maze Puzzle

Vintage Game Boards

Uncle Wiggly
Clue Board
Davy Crockett

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I’m going to be on the cover of Nuvo (and weekend update)

So I found out today that the article that Nuvo Newsweekly is doing on my Big Things Photo collections will be a cover article. I have to go in for an additional photo shoot this evening and the article will run in the January 5th issue.
This weekend my grandparents and Aunt Rosemary and Uncle Gerald came from Iowa to visit my family, and they came to see my house on Saturday morning. I got to show off everything I’ve done so far, and stuff I plan to do in the near future.
On Sunday Stephanie and I went to my dads for Christmas presents and Christmas brunch at the country club, which was very nice.

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Lazy Sunday Afternoons

Yesterday, Stephanie and I curled up in the living room under the quilt, next to the Christmas tree, and watched TV while sipping hot chocolate and eating popcorn and cookies. We watched five hours worth of Survivor (including the season finalé) and one of Joan of Arcadia.
I love lazy Sundays.
On Friday night, a bunch of our friends came over and watch Xmas specials on TV, and on Saturday, I took Spike out and we got our picture taken by a photographer for Nuvo newsweekly, for an article they are doing on my Big Things photography hobby. The article should appear sometime in the next three weeks.

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