Wee Ones

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My friend Scott put up his kindergarten class picture and challenged everyone to pic out which kid he was. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to any of my class pictures (they’re in an end table at my Mom’s house and we get threatened with death any time we try to look through them) but I do have a bunch of childhood pictures of me courtesy of my Grandma Mineart, who let my Aunt scan thousands of family photos for all of us for Christmas.

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Polka Music

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I’m sitting in my dining room, and suddenly, I hear polka music outside. Just a sec, I’ll investigate.
It was a car stopped at the light nearby. Strange, it was really loud, like somebody playing an accordian right outside my door, or something.

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I’m not that great of a cook. I’m not terrible, either, but I find cooking to be very stressful, mainly because I have difficulty getting the timing of multi-course meals down correctly; I seem to never manage to get things all heated up at the same time in order to serve a meal.

I’m not a fan of cooking, or of doing dishes because they were my “chores” as a kid, and I always resented the fact that everyone else in my family got to see prime-time TV shows that I missed while I was cleaning up after the family dinner. My mom used to say that I had to learn to cook because I’d have a husband and kids to cook for someday, whereas my brothers needed to know how to mow the lawn. Heh. Yeah, right.

But I have been, since I’m home, doing some cooking and baking. It’s much less stressful to do when you’re at home all day, rather than racing home after work and then trying to figure out what to fix. Usually I’m so tired after work that I’d rather eat ravioli out of a can.

I made my mom’s peanut butter cookies the other day, which came out pretty well despite the fact that I had to make some substitutions because I didn’t have all the ingredients. I made a low-carb version of banana bread from a mix (which was TERRIBLE) and today I whipped up a batch of banana bread from scratch, my mom’s recipe. I’m anticipating it will be better, because my mom’s was always excellent. I used Splenda instead of sugar, so I hope that will turn out okay. The other day for book club I made some brownies from a mix, and the family favorite appetizer of cut-up sweet pickles, wrapped in cream cheese and corned beef.

Stephanie got me the ingredients for blonde brownies, and I’m also planning on whipping up another family favorite, lasagna after we go on a shopping excursion. I’ve been making some baked chicken breast entrees with various marinades, I cooked white rice without getting it clumpy, and the other day I made a really excellent chicken casserole from a campbell’s soup mixed with chicken and cut up tortillas. Very tasty. I’m becoming a regular little Bree Van De Kamp.

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I don’t need your dictionary; I gots my own lexicon

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Merriam-Webster gives us a list of their favorite top-ten words that are not in the dictionary. I’ve heard ginormous before, and my sister has used slickery on occasion.

I have my own lexicon of made up words and phrases, although because of cognitive displaysia, there are some things I’ve forgotten to add.

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I haven’t blogged in over a week

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That’s pretty unusual. I’m feeling a lot better; typing doesn’t feel like it’s pulling on my incision like it did before, so I’m not as uncomfortable. Stephanie went back to work today, so me and Spike are hanging out at home together, staying out of trouble. I already went for my morning walk, all by myself!! And I showered and got dressed and tied my own shoes. Woo hoo! I should be ready for kindergarten soon.
I don’t see the doctor until May 31st, so after that I should know when I can get back to work. For the time being, I’m catching up on my reading and TV viewing.
Lots of people have sent me flowers and presents and have come over and done really helpful things; I’m so grateful!! I am lucky to have such great friends and family.

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Wow, I had open-heart surgery!

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I can’t believe it. I keep walking around the house thinking “wow, I had open-heart surgery. I can’t believe it!” Then I move wrong and I believe it, alright. It’s funny, the doctors and nurses keep saying “You’re not allowed to drive for four weeks! Don’t even think about it!” And I’m thinking I’d rather DIE than drive right now, so I can’t imagine what idiots decide to get behind the wheel like this, but there must be some or they wouldn’t give that warning.

For our Anniversary, David and Garrett made us Chicken Florentine with angel hair pasta in a clam sauce, and an excellent salad. Garrett came over and served dinner for us. It was sweet and amazing and I have to say it’s too bad that they don’t have their own restaurant, because I’d totally go there all the time.

They switched my drugs from vicodin to darvocet, and the freaky nightmares went away. I’m still getting used to sleeping on my back, though, which is not what I’m used to, so I’m having trouble sleeping. It’s getting better. It’s a long story about why, but Kathy helped switch my mattresses around and she built me a platform to help me get into bed. It’s so much more comfortable.

I’ve been watching the first (only) season of the TV show Wonderfalls. I bought it a couple of months ago and saved it for this occasion. I also watched part of the Incredibles, but I did that in the middle of the night when I didn’t want to go back to sleep because of the nightmares, so I need to re-watch it because I’m sure my ideas about it are skewed. But the premise of that film is really interesting. I’m not sure I agree with all of their message. I kind of want to talk to Andy about it sometime, because he loved it so much and identified with the movie so he saw it twice.

I haven’t played Xbox because it’s a bit too much moving yet. This is the most typing I’ve done in a while, because that’s not fun, either.

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Happy Anniversary!

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It’s Stephanie’s and my first anniversary together. A year ago we went to Iaria’s Restaurant on our second date and stood on my patio and kissed at the end of the night. I love her so much and just wanted to say again how amazing she is. She has been so wonderful and supportive through the heart surgery and you should see how phenomenal she has been keeping everything together here and doing so much I can’t do. She not only helps me shower and get dressed, she makes all the meals cleans around the house and keeps track of everything, all while working on her own stuff for her job. And on top of that I know she’s not getting enough sleep because she’s up helping me when I can’t sleep. She’s done so much; without her I would be lost, and I don’t know that I would have gotten through this. She’s amazing.

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