2:00pm – The Growth and Evolution of Microformats Panel Notes (SXSWi 2007)

2:00 pm – The Growth and Evolution of Microformats
Moderator: Tantek Çelik Chief Technologist, Technorati
Frances Berriman Volume
Michael Kaply IBM
Glenn Jones Creative Dir, Madgex
Tantek Çelik Chief Technologist, Technorati

Growth and Future of Microformats Panel

Rough Panel Notes:
History of microformats through tshirts – 2003 sxsw
XFN – semantics to blogrolls to mark up
supported immediately by:
2005 microformats for people, events:
done on a wiki on technorati. So made made microformats.org in 2005
flickr – added microformats to profiles, and geotags
added to technorati
ode began to support for songs, playlists, etc.
2006 – event sites marked up in them
Stanford univesity – base of all their pages for contact information.
Mike – extention for firefox – operator. lets you work with microformats information.
backnetwork – formats work for relationships, reviews, rss feeds.
glennjones.net – tear apart his site to code mine with microformats
hcard, xfn, other profiles on other sites. xfn – rel=me
creating new microformats – there’s a process managed by the community environment on micrformats.org – and people are able to present their ideas. – based on the scientific method, doing research on the web into how people are out there marking things up with classes.
does it use existing semantic web efforts and ontologies – yes, they make people look at and do research on what’s existing.
Developing search engines on just formats –
kitchen.technorati.com – search for microformats, events, reviews, hcards
listings – edgeio will aggregate hcard listings – and you can ping them to get your information entered.
alexa crawls looking of hcards.
dogs that need to be adopted – dogster
Mobile – are mobile browsers finding microformatting.
jeremy keith – demo of microformats
Microformats & accessibility – a couple assesibility experts are pursuing how it can help and avoid becoming a challenge.
Restricted connet – not yet, but they asked her to get involved and develop these things.
Hcard and openID – openID 2.0 are working on all converging this –
searh for hcard creator – dreamweaver has it, so does movable type.

Continue Reading2:00pm – The Growth and Evolution of Microformats Panel Notes (SXSWi 2007)

10:00AM – Get Unstuck: Moving From 1.0 to 2.0 Panel Notes (SXSWi 2007)

10:00AM Get Unstuck: Moving From 1.0 to 2.0
Moderator: Liz Danzico Director, experience strategy, Daylife
Liz Danzico Director, experience strategy, Daylife
Kristian Bengtsson Creative Dir, FutureLab
Chris Messina Co-founder, Citizen Agency
Luke Wroblewski Principal Designer, Yahoo!
Jeffrey Zeldman Founder, Happy Cog
get unstuck panel

Continue Reading10:00AM – Get Unstuck: Moving From 1.0 to 2.0 Panel Notes (SXSWi 2007)

Panels I Plan to see today and tomorrow

Some of these overlap, so I’ll have to pick one over the other. But a rough idea.

Monday, 12 March 2007

10:00AM Get Unstuck: Moving From 1.0 to 2.0 (18ABCD)
11:30AM The Future of the Online Magazine (19AB)
02:00PM The Growth and Evolution of Microformats (18ABCD)
03:30PM Bullet Tooth Web Design: Plan Your Web Site like Pulling off a Robbery (19AB)
04:05PM Design Patterns: Defining and Sharing Web Interface Design Languages (19AB)
04:05PM The Invisible Blogosphere (8ABC)
05:00PM Do You Blog on the First Date? (10AB)
05:00PM How to Create A Kickass In-House Design Team (18ABCD)

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

10:00AM Web Typography Sucks (18ABCD)
11:30AM Design Aesthetic of the Indie Developer (Ballroom F)
02:00PM Will Wright Keynote Speech (Hilton / Grand Ballroom)
03:30PM How to Make Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Usability Work Together (19AB)
03:30PM The Technologist Agenda: Political Activism for Geeks (9AB)

Continue ReadingPanels I Plan to see today and tomorrow

Me, giving a testimonial on Firefox

Oh, and while surfing YouTube looking at other’s SXSW videos, I found a video of me shot yesterday by the firefox browser people, giving testimonial on the browser from the trade show space. I got a discount on a Firefox T-shirt in exchange. Which just goes to show — I can talk your damn ear off, but if you stick a camera in my face, I have no idea what to say.

Continue ReadingMe, giving a testimonial on Firefox

Free Trip to Europe

Stephanie’s dad called her today to tell her that he won a free trip to Europe from some contest on PBS – one that he apparently entered with the intention of giving to us if he won. So I guess we’re going to Europe? Wow. She going to find out some more details.

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Sorry, Honey, I had to hang up

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Stephanie — I’m sorry I had to shut off my phone – it was right at the beginning of my first panel, so I couldn’t answer; I wasn’t supposed to have the phone on. On the bright side, a room full of 50 people think my “sunshine, lollipops and rainbows” ringtone for you is excellent – people asked where I got it. I told them I’d throw it up on my site for download later.

Continue ReadingSorry, Honey, I had to hang up

Panel Notes Bad, Food Tasty (SXSWi 2007)

The notes I took for the last three panels are pretty bad, so I don’t know that they’re worth uploading. The grids panel was pretty visual, and there’s a website that covers it. I also went to “ruining the user experience” which wasn’t particularly great, and a panel on “tags to riches” that was completely worthless to me. It was about career paths in the web tech field, and there was nothing in it that I didn’t already know. I ended up leaving and hanging out on the balcony of the convention center to just decompress. Going to a panel for every scheduled time is quite a bit to take in in a single day.
tags to riches panel
I think I ended up going to completely different panels than I planned to at the start of the day; dunno how that happened. I think I’ll stick to my original plans more tomorrow; I think I would have been happier with my choices today if I had done that.
For dinner we just started driving around and ended up away from the convention center at a local bar and grill on Congress called Docs Motorworks Bar and Grill that was great. Mexican food in an old gas station setting; inexpensive and very tasty, with a nice crowd of people.
We’re hanging out to decompress; tonight we’re going out to at least one party – The Frog Design SXSW Opening Party.

Continue ReadingPanel Notes Bad, Food Tasty (SXSWi 2007)