
When it comes to my own photography, I’m having a lot of mixed emotions lately. I’m clearly not an artistic photographer by any stretch. I’m very much a snapshot photographer; which shows, doesn’t it?
A great deal of the pictures I take are out a car window, which doesn’t lend itself to composition. And I shoot everything in automatic mode on a snapshot camera, because I’ve never quite gone beyond that. I took a photography course back in college, back in 1989, but 3/4 of the class was geared toward developing your own photos in the dark room and chemicals and dark room tricks you could play to make your pictures look more interesting, all of which has fallen by the wayside. Even our relationship to filters and lenses and F-stops have changed because of digital photography and being able to see what picture you just took, and being able to shoot thousand of photos. I feel like I should re-learn manual photography, but part of me doesn’t want to, because of something I’ve noticed about the intersection of digital SLR cameras and amateur photography lately…
The trouble is, when looking at, for instance, my chosen online photo sharing site, flickr, the pictures that everyone loves and rates as “interesting” the ones that pop up to the top of the explore page, are often really boring to me.
They seem so staged. Perfectly composed, brilliantly colored, full of people with lined faces and peeling paint and bottled ethos on display. (let’s go out and jump in a field! Or, Oooh, look, desolation!) Just the right exposure, just the right filter, just the right lighting, just the right framing, just the right camera speed and focus, or out of focus when it make sense for the shot, all so perfectly canned for our delight.
I very much get the feeling that the photographer is trying to force me to look in a direction that he has chosen, on a scene he arranged, rather than capturing real life happening around him, like stock photography from a catalog for a corporate website.
Not to pick on this one girl or anything, but I happened to have a link handy to her photos because I was trolling through the “interesting” links and came across it, but here’s an example:
I find myself wondering what’s happening over on the left, just out of camera range.
I have to throw out a lot of the pictures I take, and there’s a lot I need to improve on. I do like the depth of field an SLR camera has, and I’d love to get better pictures indoors in low lighting. I’d love to play with lenses. I wish I had a true panoramic camera. But in all I never want to be staged. I much prefer my “point and shoot, ask questions later” method of taking pictures. I’d rather you get a sense of what’s actually happening around me when I take the picture, rather than wondering “Why the hell was she walking there?” or “Who the heck are those people and why are they jumping in a field?”

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Writing? What me? I never do that any more…

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It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write a real journal entry – since we arrived home from our trip, actually. I spent a lot of time organizing my trip photos, and working on a site design for one of my friends. Most of my day to day updates end up on twitter, and I’ve been so busy at work and playing so much catch-up on my blog reading that I haven’t had a chance to write much. I’ve eliminated numerous blogs from my feed reader because I just can’t keep up any more.
I’m so far behind writing little reviews of what I’ve read. I have a stack of 8 books I’ve finished and need to write about, and a giant stack of books from the library to read. I may end up doing a short post where I list the books I’ve read without actually reviewing them, because I get really bogged down and don’t have the time for it.
I’ve been buying loads of cheap crap on eBay – I’ve had an art project stewing in my brain ever since we visited Earl and Syd’s house on the trip, and I want to work on it.
Our vegetable garden seems to have done well for a first attempt. We had a bumper crop of cucumbers and have been giving them away. A few sugar snap peas. The lettuce came in fairly well early, and we had a decent crop of radishes. We learned some good stuff, too – cucumbers need a lot more room, for one thing. Next year we’ll have a little better organization, and I think we’ll do even better.
Did I mention my sister is going to have a baby? I know I talked about it on Twitter. It’s very exciting – we’re going to have a little British niece or nephew. Aren’t aunts and uncles a huge thing in English children’s literature? I expect to be a character in our own Chronicles of Narnia any day now. “Then Charlie’s lesbian aunts flew in from America…”
We have our regular work-sponsored “Fast Friday” at the track today – this year we’re doing it for the NASCAR race here on the Indy track. Because I’m obviously such a huge NASCAR fan. Right. I did enjoy Talladega Nights, though, and more recently – Cars, which we finally saw after being laughed at repeatedly the entire time by all the other drivers on our road trip. (You haven’t seen CARS? That restaurant was in CARS! Hey look, we’re in front of the gas station from CARS! It didn’t help that the movie painstakingly included lots and lots of attractions from Route 66 to support the historic restoration efforts.)
The whole “going to the track” thing is really wasted on me, though. It’s too bad I can’t trade out with some of the guys from our road trip; they love the race cars and asked all about living near the Indy 500. I didn’t tell them that I regularly turn down tickets to the race every year (my dad has had them since I was a little kid) and even sort of avoid the west side of town when there’s a race on. I did mention you can hear the cars from our house though. That’s true of most of city, though – the noise really carries. Anyways, I better go get ready; I’m carpooling to the track with Rich…

Continue ReadingWriting? What me? I never do that any more…

Harry Potter, Spoilers and Media Blackouts

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After a friend posted a link to twitter displaying the last two pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – which I inadvertently clicked on and read, because I never received the previous “tweets” discussing what the link was about – I’m curtailing my media viewing for the rest of the week. Unfortunately, before I realized what I was reading and closed the page, I found out something I didn’t want to know, so I’m not nearly as excited about reading the book as I was.
It’s called direct messaging, people – where you can send a twitter to just one person. Learn how to use it, please. Thanks.

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Sesame Street Clips that scared me as a kid

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Courtesy of Boing Boing, where they felt the same way. This first one with the orange singing was really scary:

This one was more funny, but it still bugged me.

I swore up and down that Mahna Mahna was from Sesame Street, while friends of mine insisted it was from the Muppet Show. Turns out we both were right. This first clip is the one I remember from childhood:

This one came much later:

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Route 66 Road Trip Morning, Day 17 in Joplin, Missouri

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We made a lot better progress yesterday on the trip home; all the way to Joplin, Missouri. And we even got a couple of stops in at the Cadillac Ranch, the Bug Ranch, and the restored U-Drop-Inn Gas Station in Shamrock, Texas.
Stephanie at Cadillac Ranch
Our contributions to Cadillac Ranch
Cadillac Ranch
Bug Ranch
Beetle Speedometer
Phoebe at the U-Drop-Inn
Phoebe at the U-Drop-Inn
See all Photos from Santa Rosa, New Mexico to Joplin, Missouri.
Today, we head home, to finally see our pets and our house again. Needless to say, we’ll anxious to be back.

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Morning, Day 16 in Santa Rosa, NM

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We made it back to our desired destination last night, although rather later than we wanted. The restaurant we ate at in Flagstaff was an old Route 66 place called Granny’s Closet, that used to be home of the very first fiberglass muffler man/lumberjack statue. They donated it to the University of Arizona as a mascot, but have a smaller replica at their cafe. I actually have a picture of the original from my friend Laurie, who sent it to me years ago.

Lumberjack Giant
Lumberjack Giant

Lumberjack at Granny's Closet

Traffic around Flagstaff was terrible; we tried to make a 45 minute hop off the road for lunch, and it turned into 3 hours because traffic in town was slow, and then they had 2 exits to I-40 closed due to construction and traffic backed up for miles. Very strange way to handle construction. That put us behind the curve by quite a bit, but at least we made it in.
We also hopped off to get gas at round dome gas station, and indian blankets at the Meteor City Trading post, but those were both short stops.

Dome Subway

Meteor Crater Trading Post

Giant Dream Catcher

Dinosaurs in Arizona

Today we have about 600 miles to drive; we’re going to try to make it to Big Cabin, Oklahoma, which is halfway between here and home.

See All Photos from “Kingman, Arizona to Santa Rosa, New Mexico”

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Photos Uploaded and Organized

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I officially have all my photos uploaded and organized (so far; I’m sure there will be more pictures of the rest of the trip home, which will wind up in the “headed home” set.)
I will still need to add captions and descriptions and such for everything, but I created separate sets of pictures for each day, and a collection for all the sets, to make it easier to browse through everything we did, in order.
My Route 66 New Beetle Caravan Flickr Photo Collection
Wigwam Motel on Foothills, Blvd.
The End
Me and Stephanie at the Pacific Ocean

Route 66 Retro Googie Signs

Route 66 -"Round for a Reason

Route 66"Big Things"

Route 66 Road Trip – To Chicago

Route 66 Road Trip – Chicago to St. Louis

Route 66 Road Trip – St. Louis to Tulsa

Route 66 Road Trip – Tulsa to Tucumcari

Route 66 Road Trip – Tucumcari to Roswell

Route 66 Road Trip – The RoswellR2K Show

Route 66 Road Trip – Roswell to Albuquerque

Route 66 Road Trip – Albuquerque To Williams, Arizona

Route 66 Road Trip – The Grand Canyon

Route 66 Road Trip – Williams AZ to Victorville, CA.

Route 66 Road Trip – Los Angeles

Route 66 Road Trip – headed home

Zig ZagMonkey’s Route 66 Adventures

Roswell2K Route 66 VW New Beetle Trip

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