I has a package

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The post office gave me a notice to come pick something up from them. I believe it would be my wedding dress. Yay!

Wow, I’ve had a distinct lack of blogging here. That’s not for want of things to write, just time. I think I have three books I need to note on my “have read” list, and a couple of movies, also. I’ll get to them tomorrow morning. Tonight we have book club; this month’s selection was Perfume by Patrick Suskind.

I know I don’t usually talk much about work, but lately the design(s) I’ve been working on for a couple of sites have been pretty well received, so I’m happy about that. And of course I’m really looking forward to sxsw.com. We leave March 6th.

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So much to blog, so little time

I actually have things to write about lately, but haven’t geared up to do it. Lets see, where were we when we last tuned in? Oh, yeah, I was probably playing Packrat. Well, the gloss has come off that Facebook game somewhat, as I got collected most of the cards I could get a hold of easily and was stuck gold mining endlessly and hoping the rare cards would pop up for me, which they weren’t. It didn’t help that the developers changed several rules of the game and it’s not quite as fun, and pretty uneven on the fairness scale. And discovering that there are only 100 of the very rare Leopard card that once popped up for me but I couldn’t pick up due to a glitch in the game was disheartening. If only 100 people can win, it kinda sucks.

We’re far behind in wedding planning, but we finally got registered a couple of places. (They’re listed at our wedding page; you can get there from the image on the right.) Of course, we still need to add lots of items to the registries.

Stephanie went to Wyandotte, Michigan for a figure skating competition. We initially thought I’d go with her, but decided not to farm out the dog, so I stayed home and ran some errands and went (gasp) wedding dress shopping. Yes, I’m wearing a dress to our wedding. Don’t act all crazy. It’s the one and only day I will. I can be a princess on my wedding day, even if i don’t want to be any other day. (Okay, I actually own a tiara, so I act like a princess on other days, too. But just while vacuuming.)

Anyways, you may already know this, but wedding dress shopping can be crazy. I only found one thing I liked, and they didn’t have it in my size. You have to make an appointment for a sales person, and there was a 45 minute wait for dressing rooms. At one of the other places, you had to register with them to even set foot in the door. All I wanted to do was look, but they wouldn’t let me. I was planning on going to a few more places, but I think I’ve run down an alternative that, if it works as planned, will complement Stephanie’s dress nicely.

There are lots of other things we need to get in order, but if I start making a list here, I’m get an upset stomach with worry, so I won’t.

In other news – SJR7 – the marriage discrimination amendment is effectively dead at the Statehouse. On Friday, Rep. Scott Pelath, D-Michigan City refused to hear the bill in committee, meaning that it’s dead for this legislative session, and they’d have to take at least 4 years to get it through the Statehouse again.

This still doesn’t mean we can get legally married in Indiana, because there is a law on the books saying we can’t. It just means that the state can’t double-plus super deny us marriage. So, you know, that’s nice. Or something. Clearly, we’re getting married anyway. (See above shocking paragraph about me wearing a dress!) We just can’t get a piece of paper from the government saying so, which just seems sort of arbitrarily bitchy of them, when you look at it that way. But the nice Canadian government will give us a piece of paper saying we’re married, which is why we’re honeymooning in Toronto. Those Canadians are darned nice. And Massachusetts will recognized that we’re married with the piece of paper from Canada, but only if we live there. Also California, Vermont and a couple other states will say we’re civil-unioned. Which is like marriage, but without all the same legal rights. So, not really like marriage at all, but basically our own water fountain. Yay! At least we can get a drink. Except not here in Indiana. We don’t even get our own water fountains.

Whatever. I’m thinking pink and lavender gladiolas for my bouquet. What do you think?

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links for 2008-02-14

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Pack Rat

my utter lack of blogging lately has been entirely due to playing a Facebook game called pack rat. It’s a card trading game and is completely addicting. I’ve completely neglected numerous obligations to friends and household maintenance due to this game.

In other news, my eye doctor says my eyes are healing exactly as expected. Though they’re still blurry and I’m really impatient about it, that’s good news and makes me relieved. I was a bit worried avoid the pace.

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This weekend’s to do list…

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Things we want to accomplish this weekend…

  1. sign up for green power through our local electric company – estimated $2, addition to our bill, considerably higher peace of mind.
  2. Sign up for a local food coop delivery service to get fresh local food.
  3. finish adding addresses to address book
  4. finish sending out “save the date” cards for our wedding
  5. register somewhere for our wedding. Target? Macy’s?
  6. finish making baby blanket for Annabelle, so we can mail baby care package
  7. vacuum
  8. change the sheets
  9. celebrate Jennifer & Carolyn’s birthday
  10. work on Chi’s website
  11. rip more CDs
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SXSWi 2008

I’m going to SXSWi this year. Yay! The trick is, though, that we have a big corporate conference in Boston March 2-4th, and then I’m leaving for Austin on March 6th – March 11th. So I’ll be home one day in between two trips. Fortunately, Boston will still probably be cold; Austin will be warm. So different sets of clothes, and hopefully, not much laundry on the one day off.

This will be quite the interesting travel week.

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Laser Eye Surgery: Suddenly, I See

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I woke up this morning with much improvement in my vision. It’s still not 20/20, but I can read text at a distance, and such. I’m back at work – one thing I’ve noticed is that I still can’t see facial expressions at a distance, so I can’t tell what my co-workers are doing/expressing when they’re walking down the hallway toward me. But that will clear up soon, I’m sure.

While I was home puttering around, I was okay to watch movies and such. So I saw a few things that I could add to my movies list.

  1. The Big Lebowski – DVR’ed from cable. I wish I’d seen it earlier; I think I should have added it to my pop-culture lexicon before now.
  2. The Aristocats – I’ve had this on DVD for several years and never popped it in. I loved it as a kid, but there are sure some slow spots as an adult.
  3. Nancy Drew, Reporter (1939) – on DVD – Stephanie got me this from the dollar bin a while back; it’s very cute, although I’d quibble with Nancy needing to be rescued so often.
  4. The Ice Storm – on DVD. Stephanie owns this one – she really liked it, and I did as well.
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