Bottle Cap Art Car Project – the finale

We took the Art Car to Michigan City this weekend to turn it over to Stephanie’s niece Raven. Stephanie went up on Saturday and taught her how to drive a stick, and I went up on Sunday to help finish up work on the car and to drive Stephanie home. We ended up finishing most of the car – the roof and two corners of the bumper are all that remain to be covered with bottle caps, and Raven has enough to finish them up.

It was kind of bittersweet; we love the car but really don’t need it. Raven most certainly will benefit from a way to get to and from work without having to catch a ride. But working on the car was so much fun, and the finished product turned out really awesome. We’re anxious to do another one someday.

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Arizona here we come

We’re headed out to visit my Dad in Arizona for a few days. Our friend and regular house sitter is coming over to hang with the pets and hold down the fort. So for the next couple days I’ll be blogging from the road. Expect lots of pictures; we’re going to be doing some sightseeing.

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I heard the news today, oh boy…

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I’ve tried numerous times to stop blogging about political matters. I’m not any sort of expert on them, and they do make me frazzled in a way that isn’t always healthy. There are lots of cool things going on in our lives that I should be talking about instead.

But like many people I know, in the last week I just can’t stop reading the papers. Lately I flip from the to to to to the to and then back again, trying to figure out what new shit is happening every day.

I think my attitude about all this is like millions of Americans. I go to work every day, do my job, come home, take care of my house & family, and pay the bills. I’m not over-extended or over my head. But now because some empty suits fucked up because they were greedy fuckers, we have to have another Great Depression and lose everything. I have to give up stuff I care about, work harder, tighten my belt and worry about my family and friends getting along and surviving.

Fuck that noise. I’d like to opt out of this new Great Depression, please. I did nothing wrong. I’m not fucking around on Wall Street. I’m not taking out loans I can’t pay back, or handing out loans I can’t get back. Why the fuck should this affect me? Let the shitheads responsible pay 700 billion dollars, or whatever made up number they’re throwing around.

Interestingly enough, the “It’s not my shit, why should I pay for it?” is the exact attitude that the Republican party has been cultivating for decades in regards to any social program whatsoever. But now they’re SHOCKED, SHOCKED I TELL YOU1!! that American citizens are having this reaction to the bailout. Welfare is welfare, whether it’s being handing to starving people or people driving BMWs to work every day. I’d much rather give $2,300 dollars to people who are starving.

You guy rang that bell, so deal with it.

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Impromptu Ikea Trip

Stephanie and I were invited to show our art car at a show in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend, and our original plans were to take advantage of that offer. But Spike seemed to be having so much trouble that we decided to stay home Friday night. It was the right decision, because he needed lots of looking after.

Sunday morning he was back to his normally chipper self though, so we decided to make a quick run to the Ikea in Cincinnati for a few hours. We had exploring, although Ikea can take it out of you. Lots of stuff to look at, and tons of people to navigate through.

We ended up getting new living room rugs, a new reading chair for upstairs, a reading lamp to go with it, and a handful of other goodies.

We planned to get a bunch of new bookshelves for the dining room for Stephanie’s library, but when we got to the bin to pick them up we realized that they were really heavy, and we’d need help when we arrived home to unload them from the car. So we’ll save that for a return trip when we can get our friends to help us carry stuff in the house at the end of the day.

In addition to furniture pieces, your hvac system should be functioning properly. Contact RC Air Conditioning if you need to have your ac unit repaired or serviced.

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