What motivates me

I’m not motivated by a bunch of platitudes about “finding the edge” and “exploiting your potential.” I’m not motivated by people who engage in competitive behavior with people they should be collaborating with. I’m not motivated by people who rest on their laurels and do the bare minimum to get by, or people who spend all their time protecting and polishing their egos. I’m not motivated by self-made, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstrap jackasses who think they can do everything themselves, and screw what other people can contribute.

I’m motivated by people who are intoxicated by creativity, and who suck other people into their creative endeavors. I’m motivated by people who turn work into play and play into money. I’m motivated by people who collaborate, who engage, who strive to entertain. I don’t want minions. I want co-conspirators, partners in crime. Cohorts. I want to be in cahoots.

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Stimulating Reading

My feed reader is often a bloodbath; I add to and purge my regular web reading ruthlessly, and yet it’s always overstuffed and I’m perpetually behind. There are some mainstays; ego surfing my own feeds and some friends to whom I would feel embarrassed conversing In Real Life if I hadn’t kept up with their online presence. I have obligatory web design and development reading, but I often mark them all read and just search if there’s a solution I need, because if I spend much time thinking about work after hours my head would probably asplode.

My regular topic areas have shifted drastically as of late; I have now only follow two sites that deal with political issues in any form (that used to be my primary reading) and there are a large number of photography sites in my list. And lately I’ve been purging lots of high volume sites and sites that don’t write original content. Gone are the link aggregators (I know that’s ironic since many of my blog posts are that lately) in favorite of longer, in depth reading that I have to spend more time thinking about. I’m still having trouble keeping up with the reading, but it is at least more satisfying.

Here are a few of my favorites (most new and some old):
The Urbanophile
Politically, I disagree with him quite a bit, but he does know his urban development, which is something I know very little about but find quite interesting. I think if I were to win the lottery, I’d get a masters in urban planning. And then run for mayor.

3 Quarks Daily
Ben and Alice
Roger Ebert’s Journal
Tomorrow Museum
Neil Gaiman’s Journal
Scouting NY
and of course Shakesville.

More and more I’m considering wholesale purging my feed reader of all but these select few, in hopes of actually staying on top of all my reading. Maybe someday soon.

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Thank Maude for Spring

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At some point I HAVE to sit down and finally create and install a real masthead for this blog. It was one of those things I just didn’t get around to when I was reworking the site – and it was a small enough piece that I thought I would squeeze it in. But every time I decide to actually work on it I get interrupted by something more important, and now it’s been months. Because, you know, according to the painters denver, branding is the thing you should always put off. So I’m going to get that done. I hope.

I signed up for a photography class from Indy Photo Coach. I had been looking at classes The Indianapolis Art Center but the Indy Photo Coach classes are a bit cheaper and closer to home. I’ve seen the work of some of their former students, and it’s really good. I start April 6, so expect to see lots more photography passing through here.

Around the house (that was bought via https://webuyhousesinatlanta.com/ site) we’ve been finishing up the bookcases in the dining room – one more to build, and we’re done – and the room is completely transformed with the help of painters in vienna. For one thing, there aren’t boxes stacked up everywhere, so it looks like we actually live here and aren’t just passing through. And it means that Stephanie has all the room she needs for her books. We were able to double her storage capacity – and nearly all of that is filled, which tells you something about how many boxes we had stacked up. The library is really straightening itself out, also. Moving my desk freed up a lot of space in that room and made it more comfortable. I’m excited; we almost have the house looking respectable enough to have people drop by more casually. We shouldn’t have to kill ourselves cleaning before people visit. I probably still WILL, but we shouldn’t have to.

And we’re doing some container gardening for the front porch this year. We’ve got two flower boxes full of pansies, and we’re going to plant some Freesia, and other annuals in pots for the porch. I planted some of this this weekend, although it was 38 degrees and SNOWING. For Pete’s sake. I also moved 800 pounds of topsoil in the cold – I need to fill in some low spots on the north side of the house. We’re also going to do some vegetable gardening. If the weather is nice, we may be able to get that done next weekend.

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Economic Meltdown Articles of Interest

There are a couple news items about the economy that I found to be tremendously helpful. I’ve linked to them from one or another of my links posts, but it’s very much worth it to pull them out and highlight them, because knowledge is power, and more average people need a really good understanding of what’s going on than the lame drivel they’re getting from the news.

This American Life Podcast: Bad Banks
The collapse of the banking system explained, in just 59 minutes. This is an AWESOME explanation of our current economic situation. If you’re at all like me and financial stuff is SO BORING that it gives you a headache, this podcast will do wonders for you. Everything laid out in layman’s terms so it’s clear what’s going on.

The Big Takeover : Rolling Stone
Matt Taibbi takes the explanations from This American Life quite a bit further, filling in the blanks and making the situation much clearer about how bad things really are. Which is bad. Really bad. As in “batten down the hatches and hold on for dear life” bad. Taibbi isn’t afraid to point the fingers and name the names. And to use the colorful language that is frankly required in this situation.

And now back to lighter things, because if I think about all that too long I’m going to curl up in a ball in the corner — Part of the lack of blogging is that we’ve been rather heads down on household projects over the last couple weekends.

What we’ve been working on:

a) Finishing painting in the staircase room:

b) And doing some reorganization in the library:

c) And also – not the least of our household projects – building new bookcases in the dining room for Stephanie’s library:

We have a couple more bookcases to put up, and we’re done, and ready to move on to some yard work and some other fun projects.

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All good things…

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So it’s Friday, and my last full day of vacation. It’s interesting to me that I spent so long feeling like I was missing some sort of creative outlet, but when I had a bunch of free time, I didn’t sit down and start a creative project, but instead did a hundred little projects around the house that needed to be done. But in those hundred things, I gave myself the time and space unimpeded by a schedule to be creative – to toy with different solutions, to figure out the best way to do it, to add the flourish that made it look just right.

Most of the time I spend working on the house was actually spent doing interior design – rethinking our living spaces and how we use them; relocating and creating the white space and margins and breathing room around our clutter, learning what looked best where and breaking down assumptions of what our creative spaces should be around the house. Prompted by our friend Lisa, I did a bit of reading in my tattered old copy of A Pattern Language that helped me do some of that assumption breaking about rooms and their uses and what makes us feel good about the space we live in.

One of the biggest revelations in this process was understanding that a well-designed home isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about how a space makes you feel. It’s easy to get caught up in trends, but at the core of it all, a home should function in a way that enhances daily life. This meant reworking layouts to maximize both utility and comfort, incorporating natural light in ways that made the rooms feel more open, and choosing materials that not only looked beautiful but also aged gracefully.

It became clear that the right renovations aren’t just about upgrading a space; they’re about crafting an environment that truly supports the way we live, work, and gather. That’s exactly the philosophy behind Stable Works, where expert builders and designers approach home improvement with an eye for both form and function. Whether it’s a thoughtful remodel that respects the original character of a home or a complete transformation to suit modern needs, their work is grounded in quality and craftsmanship.

They understand that every home tells a story, and the best renovations enhance that narrative rather than erase it. By reimagining spaces with a keen attention to detail—rethinking layouts, refining finishes, and introducing elements that create a natural flow—homeowners can experience a home that not only looks better but also feels inherently right.

All that about living space aside… the fact that I went from being an extremely unhappy person to being an extremely happy person in the space of a week has a lot of implications.

I’m much more creative and get far more work done (an extraordinary amount of work done) when I don’t have schedules and deadlines. I work better in an unstructured environment than a structured one. I knew that on some level because I’ve always resisted day planners and life organizers and Getting Things Done type schemes and wreckage of a thousand failed attempts at those all around. That I clearly need to throw away.

How I can reconcile that with my highly (over) structured job, I don’t know. I work there five days a week, and spend the next two days trying to recover from the brutality of it. So I never have time to do that unstructured, free-form play/work around the house, especially when we have weekend social events and friends that box in my only free time into schedules and “go here!” “go there!” blocks of time. I’ve turned into an anti-social person over the last few years as a result – not because I don’t love my friends, but because I don’t love my job, and scheduling time is too much like a job.

I want to quit my job and become an artist. But then, who doesn’t? And if I did, we wouldn’t be able to keep everything that we have. So, I guess Monday I go back to work.

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A little of this, a little of that

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It’s Thursday, and I have yet to do a real non-link related blog post, despite the fact that I’ve been off work all week. So what the hell have I been doing all this time? De-stressing. And it’s been fantastic.

I’ve spent the whole time without any agenda. Well, that’s actually not true; I had several ideas — I was going to have a reading vacation, and a writing vacation — but I didn’t get to them. Instead I’ve just puttered around doing a bit of reading, a bit of writing, a bit of blog reading, and some cleaning and home repair. I’ve just followed my nose wherever it lead, and I’ve accomplished a huge number of small tasks that have been nagging at me for a long time, but without any actual stress involved. It’s been lovely. I wish I could do this all day, every day.

I started out the week somewhat hampered – I’m having another bout of diverticulitis, and it’s put a crimp in my plans to take the D-O-G for a W-A-L-K every day. I’ve been taking antibiotics and hoping it’s not a serious problem, but knowing that it probably is and I probably need to go in to the doctor. I just really want to avoid the hospital. I’m pretty much done with those. Whether I need them or not.

Now it’s Thursday. I’m not sure what I’ll get up today. I’ve been toying with the idea of going to Ikea and getting some of the furniture we need. It’s only two hours. Seems like fun.

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3 Things Meme

Copy, paste, delete my answers and type in your answers. Tag a few good friends! The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known things about each other.

Three Names I go by:
1. Steph
2. Electrasteph
3. [secret blog name redacted}

Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. page in a public library
2. factory work at Maxon Corporation (college job)
3. Website Designer

Three Places I have lived:
1. Ankeny, Iowa
2. Canton, Ohio
3. Indianapolis, Indiana

Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. The Closer
2. The Mentalist
3. The Rachel Maddow Show

Three places I have been:
1. Münster, Germany
2. Route 66 from Chicago to California
3. Toronto, Canada

People that e-mail me regularly:
1. Stephanie
2. Chi
3. The Gap

Three of my favorite foods:
1. Buffalo Chicken
2. Pizza with capers
3. Olives

Three friends I think will repost:
1. Stephanie
2. Chi
3. David (if he hasn’t done it already)

Things I am looking forward to:
1. vacation week!
2. container gardening on the porch
3. finishing up some furniture refinishing

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Steph Needs

DIRECTIONS: Type your name and the word NEEDS in quotes (e.g., “John Needs”) into Google and see what comes up.

Steph needs someone to CoNfOrT HeR.
Steph needs another new start
Stephanie needs to get the women together in an alliance because the men
Stephanie needs cash-fast-but times are tough, and soon she’s forced to turn to …
Stephanie needs a behavior modification approach to deal with …
Steph needs to go to the bathroom real bahhd.
Stephanie needs some help. Look at those pants! Should have stayed on the sidewalk!
Stephanie needs to be in a family where there are no other children or animals.
Steph needs our continued prayers
Steph needs your help with a quick survey!
Steph needs to be gone.
Steph needs a ride
Steph needs to know that her feelings are normal and that a sleepy…
Steph needs to stop eating lamingtons.
Steph needs to fight her own battles.


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I’ve been rather blue lately. I’m feeling creatively frustrated.

N is for Neville who died of ennui
N is for Neville who died of ennui

I have some idea in my head that I can’t quite get out – like that time when you had that really fantastic dream, and just as you woke up, you thought “I gotta remember this!” at the same time all the details start sliding away from you and you’re left with just that feeling that the dream gave you – a feeling of awesome, a Stendhal syndrome, that you’re trying to reconstruct…

Like I know there’s a picture there that just isn’t coming into focus, and every time I think I just start to get it, the dog barks, (if I’m at home) or someone comes into my cube (if I’m at work) and I lose track of that vision that I was trying to get to, that I almost just had in my hand if I’d just closed my fingers more quickly…

I find myself wishing for a work space at home that’s more like my workspace at work – a clean, organized desk with plenty of space and a big monitor to get my work done and away from the pets and the phone as distractions. Someplace I can focus. Entertainment Weekly has been doing a “Writers at Work” series, and Neil Gaiman’s is cool:

Gaiman escapes to his wooded Wisconsin hideaway with pup Cabel in tow to craft his fantastical works. Says the author, ”The setting is interesting enough that if I get stuck and need to stare out the window, there’s something to look at, which isn’t interesting enough to make me stop working and look at it for long.”

What a jerk with his “Wisconsin hideaway.” Where’s my hideaway?

On my tiny violin

I know, what a terrible problem to have, right? You play for me the world’s tiniest violin in response.

I think really just want to be more like this kid:

I Fucking Love Coloring
I Fucking Love Coloring
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