busy weekends

Someday, I’m going to actually have a three-day weekend where I accomplish all the stuff I need to accomplish and yet still have time to relax and enjoy myself. I got a lot done, it’s true. However, the mountain of junk that’s still left to accomplish is threatening to tumble down around me. And I really have to learn to say no to people.
Boy, it has been a grand week of me bitching about things, hasn’t it? I just want to go home and sleep. But no; there’s too much to do.

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mandatory meeting

Today’s memo from our company president:
From: Henderson, Ray
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 7:58 AM
To: InformIT Teams
Subject: Updated: Strategy Offsite–Final Plan
When: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:00 AM-4:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East).
Where: Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Importance: High
Update: I tasked Bill Hayes with finding a quiet, meditative place appropriate for a strategy review. I’m pleased to let you know that he’s found an unused suite at the Speedway. He’s told me that there’s nothing going on there this time of year, and the suites above the start/finish line allow a contemplative setting and nice view of a serene infield. He’s assured me there’s a nice wall for projecting screenshots, and good glare control despite what he says are large windows directly over the track below. I credit him also for his attention to the symbolism:
“We’ll get special passes for the pits, and send envoys down in rotation…as they return to the group we can welcome them back from this archetypal hell-journey in a ceremony I’ve adapted from aboriginal ghost dances. We’ll see into each others souls, and embrace each other as brothers and sisters of the Great Mother. Trust me, I’ve looked at themes from the Hindu, Sufi, Taoist, and Zorastrian traditions–this aboriginal theme is the perfect marriage for our venue.”
Please share this appt with your departments. Attendance is mandatory for full staff.
Our Agenda:
clothing: casual, jeans and tshirts, eye and headgear. Camera’s ok. (no shorts/tanktops allowed in hell-journey ceremony)
early am: a productive hour or two in the office early.
10:00 am: assembly for a brief team meeting
10:30 departure in car pools
11-4: meeting in session, refreshments provided
4:00 departure

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So I’m back at work

So I’m back at work after my two-week vacation and my big-fat road trip extravaganza. Yipeee! I had a great party, and a great time, but it’s good to be back to my 130 + work-related e-mails. Swell. Plus I’m in my new cubicle after the latest move at work (happened right before I left). I gots me more space than before. Es vera cool. 🙂 The party and road-trip photos will go up ASAP after I finish working on my Dad’s website.

Continue ReadingSo I’m back at work

people-powered mower

Bought a people-powered mower this weekend and mowed the lawn. Cool. My arms are tired, but the lawn looks great and it’s a small, efficient mower that doesn’t need gas or create air pollution. My lawn is green in every sense of the word.
This guy is interesting. He’s got an interesting design and he’s and excellent writer with a lot of provocative ideas.

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productive weekend

Had a really productive weekend, but have discovered that I still have TONS of work to do. i spent the weekend working on the house and the lawn, doing laundry and dishes, hanging pictures, etc. I still have a lot of work to do on my Dad’s website, and I discovered when i logged on tonight that I have a TON of requests (25 of them!) for work to be done on the gayindy.org website. I’ll have to get to them tomorrow night. And we have 15 pages to mock up for a hot new project at work – to be done by Wednesday. Ack!

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moving to the pumpkin house

The big move took place last Sunday (3/18) and it all went really smoothly. My dad & step-mom, brothers Todd & Scott, sister-in-law Bethany, and sister Stacy all helped out. The one thing I forgot to do was grab my camera and take photos of the move. Everythings in place and most stuff is unpacked already, with the exception of three boxes still in the living room; mostly just office supplies. I’ve made a dozen trips to Target to get little things, and I’m mostly organized. Things that got broken: coffee pot (replaced), picture glass from a framed poster (no big deal) and the bathroom scale (yeah!).
It’s been an interesting week. I’m still not used to the new place, although everything’s more efficient, especially in the kitchen. I’m *still* thrilled to death to have a new refrigerator with a real freezer. It’s unbelievable the amount of stuff I now have frozen. My sister’s got my old computer all set up and has been getting online with it and playing Sim Tower. Cool. I’m glad I kept it.

Continue Readingmoving to the pumpkin house

Poor Customer Service Experience

I bought two mattresses last Saturday (March 10th) at Kittle’s Rooms Express and when I paid for them, I arranged to have them delivered tomorrow (Saturday, March 17th). They were supposed to call me at work and arrange the delivery time. So several days went by, and I got no phone call, and just as I was going to call them, they left a message for me at home, saying they needed to “arrange a delivery date.”

Now, I had already arranged the date, so when I called, I was already concerned. Turns out they couldn’t deliver the mattresses Saturday, and wanted to do it Tuesday. When I said I’d already scheduled it for Saturday they told me the saleslady hadn’t done it (I *watched* her enter the info.) So after talking to the warehouse guy and the store manager, I ended up telling them to shove their mattresses.

So I went to The Mattress Firm and bought two mattresses, and they’re going to deliver them this afternoon. Yeah for them.

Continue ReadingPoor Customer Service Experience


I’m about half-way moved into the new place and have been staying there for a while; my sister is staying at the old apt with the cat, who’s birthday I missed (the cat’s not the sister’s) in all the hoopla of moving. Fortunately, she can’t read the calendar, so if I give her a bunch of catnip tonight, she’ll never know any difference. Again, giving catnip to the cat not the sister. Although, who knows, maybe Stacy’d like some catnip, too.

Continue Readingmoving

new house

Picked up the keys to my new house today. Went in, figured out how the security alarm works (No, I ain’t gonna tell *you*) and generally wandered around looking in the fridge, oven and closets. Then I decided to look in the cellar and see what was down there. So I hoisted up the door (is in the floor) and peered downstairs… I had failed to notice that the light switch was upstairs, so I was trying to find the light switch in the dark, and dropped the 50 lb+ door, which fell directly on the top of my head, knocking me into a sitting position on the stairs. I immediately said to myself “don’t pass out. don’t pass out.” and eventually I shook it off and climbed back upstairs, found the switch, and then went down and looked around. Pretty bad when you injure yourself on the first day in your new place.
It’s a dirt-floor basement, so there’s not much I can do down there, but I’ll at least I’ll be able to store Christmas and seasonal stuff.
I’m reading “Coercion: why we believe what ‘they’ say” and getting really pissed off at how marketing and advertising manipulates me.

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