Young Republicans Admit Being Racist

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At a weekend pep rally in Washington, a thousand college Republicans clap, cheer and party — and reveal a troubling dark side. And I quote: “How am I a closet Democrat? I’m racist, I love guns and I hate welfare.” And that’s not the worst of their commentary; read the complete article for some truly frightening shit coming from the next generation.

“But the idea of being forced to contribute to a broader civic good makes him livid. Taxes, he insisted, should be abolished. Who, then, will build things like roads? “Coca Cola should be building roads just to get exposure,” Sibeni said.”

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U. S. Army Commits War Crimes

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According to the Washington Post: “Col. David Hogg, commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, said tougher methods are being used to gather the intelligence. On Wednesday night, he said, his troops picked up the wife and daughter of an Iraqi lieutenant general. They left a note: “If you want your family released, turn yourself in.” Such tactics are justified, he said, because, “It’s an intelligence operation with detainees, and these people have info.” They would have been released in due course, he added later.”

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Another Reason to Vote for Dean in ’04

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Check out Kasey, Howard Dean’s “Director of Canine Outreach.” Also, check out all the other “Pets for Dean.”
Kasey is heading up the “Dean vs. Bush-Cheney Fundraising Challenge” where they are attempting to match Bush’s fundraising for a set period of time. Looks like they’re doing well: “Oh, somewhere in Green Mountain land the sun is shining bright. The blogs are buzzing blithely, and Trippi�s heart is light. A Governor is smiling, and all his interns shout. But there is no joy for Cheney; As mighty Kasey strikes him out.”
My new kitties approve!

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WTC Attacks: Saudi Government Helped Al-Qaeda, Bush Refused to Investigate

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Key things that the Bush Administration tried to keep out of yesterday’s report: 1) The Bush Administration knew there were extensive ties between the Saudi government, which we support with lots of $$$, and the Al-Qaeda terrorists. 2) Bush received an intelligence memo in May of 2001 that warned of the coming 9-11 attacks.
Michael Moore was on a talk show recently, suggesting that we know exactly where Osama bin Laden (remember him?) is… but that he’s being put up in a posh hotel owned by the Saudi government, and paid for by our government. And that we can’t (and don’t dare) touch him, because doing so would expose all the connections between our government, the Saudi government, and Al-Qaeda, and how we’ve sold our soul for Saudi Oil. Think about that for a minute — if one of your family died at the World Trade Center, and your government is paying the hotel bill for their killer.
No wonder we’re trying to bomb Saddam Hussein. Because we don’t dare call attention to Saudi Arabia.

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Republicans call the cops on Democrats

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As reported in the San Francisco Gate: In the House of Representatives, Democrats were protesting the illegal ending of a discussion over a pension bill in the Ways and Means Committee, and while they tried to plot strategy on how to work on the bill, Republicans called the police to intimidate them into leaving the committee’s anteroom.

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David Kelley Synopsis

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Basically, Tony Blair’s office wanted to claim that Iraq had WMD that they could deploy in 45 minutes against the United States. British Intelligence knew that claim was untrue. Blair claimed it anyway. The BBC caught on that the claim (and many others including the one that showed up in Bush’s State of the Union) was false. David Kelley was one of several British scientists that revealed to the BBC that the claim was false and that the report had been “sexed up” to make the Iraq threat seem greater than it was. Kelley apparently committed suicide, possibly because he feared that he would be revealed as one of the BBC sources of information.

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Bush to Punish Soldiers who expressed Unhappiness

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Several of the soldiers who spoke out will lose their careers for airing their feelings in public.
You can imagine how the soldiers in Ward 57 of the Walter Reed hospital might feel about that, since many of them have no legs.
Also, we’re about to send more troops to Iraq, including 1st Cav, 25th Infantry Division. Why is that significant? Because they’re the Division that has trained to fight in Korea since the end of the Vietnam War. redeploying them to Iraq leaves us vulnerable in Korea, which is a hot spot right now, in case you haven’t been paying attention. Which means that we must be seriously over-committed.

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White House Retaliation

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Apparently the White House was so angered by the ABC News report I mentioned below, the one in which soldiers ask Rumsfeld to resign, that they leaked some news about the reporter who presented the story: He’s Canadian. And also he’s gay. Shocking!! Apparently gay canadians are not allowed to report the news here in America. Only those good patriotic, American Hets are allowed to run news stories. Like the folks at Faux News.

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