Anti-Americanism on the rise

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Well here’s a big shock: Anti-Americanism is on the rise around the world. You think it could have something to do with the fact that our rats-ass government is trying rationalize an unjustifiable war with Iraq, when what we really want is control of their oil?
Please, people from around the world… recognize that we don’t all support this war and that what the government does is not always the will of the American people.

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Arianna Huffington and her political background

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This is a really interesting interview with Arianna Huffington. The one-time Republican journalist turned independent, and what caused her to change. She points out part way through the article that her concern about the issues never changed at all, just her belief about how the issues needed to be solved.

“Because the issues I care about haven’t changed. What changed was my understanding of how we solve those issues. I truly believed that the private sector could step up to the plate and provide the financial resources and the volunteer time to tackle poverty and all those social problems. I really did. But then I found out firsthand, through observing the Republican leadership at work, how unserious they were about addressing those issues…. And the other factor was seeing firsthand how difficult it really was to raise money for social problems from the private sector…. The government needs to play a role in these problems. It can’t all be the private sector.”

Arianna’s new book: Pigs at the Trough: How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are Undermining America.

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The Batty Hymn of the Repugnant

Tinky Winky Waves Hi!
Tinky Winky Waves Hi!

Author Unknown

(Obviously sung to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Mine eyes have seen the Teletubby and his cutsey little purse.
He wears a purple outfit, and, dear friends, what’s even worse,
He doesn’t scratch or spit or belch, He doesn’t even curse.
What kind of guy is he?

Tinky Winky is a fairy.
Moral Morons must be wary.
Ignorance like their’s is scary.
And Tinky Winky’s gay.

I have seen his little triangle where it sits upon his head,
And we all know it’s a symbol for the shame that can’t be said.
Now we have to purge this danger or our little boys will wed
A wife whose name is Ed.


His defenders say his purse is nothing but a magic little bag.
That’s a cover-up, as we all know, he’s just a little fag!
We cannot let a Teletubby appear in purple drag,
Moron Morality.


Yes, they call him Tinky Winky. Does that name sound straight to you?
If he weren’t homosexual, his clothing would be blue!
He’s subversive and perverted, and his pal’s a Laa-Laa, too.
Moron Morality.


We have seen this Tinky Winky near the San Francisco bay.
He’s the marshal of the big parade they hold on Gay Pride Day.
We’ll all join hands and hold a protest as we march the Moron way.
Moron Morality.


He’s teaching all our 2 year-olds that gayness is no curse.
He is tearing down the fabric of our moral universe.
If left unchecked, our kids may grow up unperverse.
Moron Morality.


Jerry Falwell is our hero, he’s the one to lead the fight.
He has seen the truth and spoken out, he’ll lead us further right,
Where we will join the multitude who just ain’t none too bright.
Moron Morality.


In a quiet Southern village Jerry was born into a haze,
With an anger in his bosom that would last him all his days.
As he works to teach us hatred, let us go and bash some gays.
Moron Morality.


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Interment of American Citizens

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In the IT’S STARTING ALREADY Department — a congressman who heads a homeland security subcommittee said on a radio call-in program that he agreed with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II and suggests that such interment for Arab-Americans may occur in the future. I don’t know about you, but as a gay person, I’m looking over some survivalist programs. Because if they come to lock me up, which is becoming a more realistic threat every day, I’m going to be ready for them.

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Against Their Will: North Carolina’s Sterilization Program

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Reporters for the “Winston-Salem Journal” have obtained sealed records and are lifting the curtain on a horrifying truth: From 1933-1974, five members of the North Carolina eugenics board met every month and voted to sterilize up to 30 complete strangers in the name of the “greater good.”

Eugenics was the controversial practice of weeding out undesirable genetics by forced sterilization. Most of those sterilized were poor, illiterate, hypersexual, homosexual, promiscuous, or lazy — characteristics deemed “undesirable.” By the program’s end, 7,600 people had been sterilized against their will. About 60% were black, and 99% were female, including Elaine Riddick Jessie, who shares her traumatic story. Some board members admit to battling a crisis of conscience but say it was difficult to vote against the tide of prevailing ideas and the support of North Carolina’s medical and political elite. It’s a story of a program that began with high hopes and good intentions but quickly devolved into something tragic and troubling.

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Iraq vs. Korea: Conflicting strategies

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Interesting. We’re talking about negotiating a peaceful resolution to our differences with North Korea, a country that currently has concentration camps for political dissidents, but when it comes to Iraq, we’re ready to invade, even though there is no evidence they possess weapons of mass distruction. Right. Tell me again how it’s not about the oil.

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Free State Project

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Now, the concept behind the “Free State Project” is interesting. What they want to do is get a whole bunch of people who have roughly the same libertarian sort of political beliefs and have them all move to one state, where they would have enough voting power to run the state the way they wanted. Not that I agree with their political beliefs at all, but hey… neat idea. Now if we could only get all the gay people to move to Indiana. That way I wouldn’t have to move. Come on. You could always vacation in California; you don’t have to live there. Seriously, Indiana’s a nice state. Yeah, I know it’ll never work. Stupid Bible Belt.

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The 50 Most Loathsome People in America 2002

This is one of the funniest pieces of social/political writing I’ve read in a long time, and something I wish I was smart enough to have written myself. My favorite so far:

SEAN HANNITY Aesthetic: Repressed kid from Long Island who got to college, was scared of sex, discovered other repressed white kids in conservative student group, joined them, devoted rest of life to blasting people who didn’t.

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