Bert is Evil!!!

THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN: Apparently, an islamic protestor downloaded photos of Osama Bin Laden to create a pro-bin Laden poster for a street protest. One of the photos they happened to grab off the Internet, was from the Bert is Evil website, which had a faked photo of Sesame Street’s Bert with Osama bin Laden. So Bert end up on anti-American Protest posters, which were then photographed heavily and distributed to the press.

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What bin Laden was really attacking

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This Salon article I found expresses well what I’ve been trying to figure out how to put into words over the last week. I don’t believe the terrorist attacks are something we brought on ourselves because of our foreign policy over the last three decades.

I think they’re an attack on modernity. They’re an attack on our contemporary way of life, and on our secular, consumer behavior. Furthermore, (this is going beyond what the article says) I don’t believe that Osama bin Laden is himself a devout or fanatical Muslim, or that he really wants to attack us because we’re decadent and irreligious. That may be true of his followers, but not of him. I think, for him personally, it’s about power. It’s about gaining control, and fanatical religion is just a tool that he’s using successfully, ala Machiavelli or Sun Tzu. If he were really as devout as he claims to be, he’d have flown the plane himself. And because of these things, we have no choice but to kill him.

I’ve been saying for years that the only legitimate reason to have nuclear weapons would be to defend against a direct attack on the US, and that I the only reason to have a military would be to protect against invasion or attack on our country, and if that every happened, I’d buy a gun and be ready to defend the country myself. I haven’t changed my mind. Frankly, I think we should drop a nuclear bomb on Afghanistan. We have every right to do so; they killed Americans on American soil. There’s no better reason than that to drop the bomb. In fact, it’s the only legitimate reason to do so, and if we don’t do it for this situation, why bother having them at all?

All this bullshit about not killing “innocent civilians”. Um, THEY killed OURS. If we can’t do so in turn, what’s the point? What’s the point of the “war on terrorism” at all? Why not just open the damned borders and let them in?

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let’s declare war

I know there are people saying that we can’t declare war…. yes we can, and I think, reading between the lines, that that is what the President, Colin Powell, and the congress are saying we will do. If it is Osama Bin Laden, we have the ability to declare war on Afghanistan as a country that has harbored and supported him. Maybe it’s taking a bit longer to get the definitive proof, but as soon as we do… BOOM!

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yes! Bush is saying that we’ll make no distinction between the terrorists and those who harbor them. I hope that means we will wake up to find we have declared war on Afghanistan.

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I love America

American FlagI’ve said it before, but it bears repeating; I love my country very much. This is the best place in the world to live. It may not be perfect, and I may not always be happy with our government or with the way our corporations behave, but I have more freedom here than anywhere in the world, and I love everything our country stands for: Freedom, justice, compassion, self-reliance, determination and hard work. God Bless America.

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reform the electoral process

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Here is the only legitimate way to reform the electoral process: EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES NEEDS TO VOTE IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.
I wasn’t a bit surprised when ol’ Dubya said “we have to respect the state and local election boards”. OF COURSE HE SAID THAT. Because the lack of uniformity in voting is the reason why he and every other Republican is in office today… because poor people in poor counties have an election process that is outdated, inaccurate and subject to massive fraud, and these are the people who vote Democrat. The wealthier counties who can afford an accurate process that ACTUALLY COUNTS THEIR VOTES, and that’s why Republicans get elected.
It’s not in Dubya’s interest to reform the electoral process at all; the inaccuracy and fraud are the only reason he’s in office. It would be like killing the goose that laid his golden eggs.

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Sexist Billboard

So when I drive down Keystone, there’s a billboard I pass every day, advertising a brand of beer, which I won’t mention. “Never interrupt a man who might buy you a beer” the billboard says, with a picture of a man and a woman in a bar. The man is holding forth on some subject, and the woman is standing with her hand on his arm, looking adoringly up at him, rapt at his very words.

Fuck that! I’d rather buy my own god damned beer and talk all I want. And I *will*, too.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who hated this billboard, because here’s an account of someone who vandalized a similar one.

Sexist Billboard

Interestingly, this is a different name of beer than the billboard I saw.

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