Gay Pride celebrations
This really sums up, better than I can do it, what I feel about Gay Pride celebrations, and why we should change ours in Indianapolis.
This really sums up, better than I can do it, what I feel about Gay Pride celebrations, and why we should change ours in Indianapolis.
9th Circuit Court Judges Ban Pledge of Allegiance From Schools, Citing ‘Under God’
A federal appeals court here declared today that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because the phrase ”one nation under God” violates the separation of church and state.
In a decision that drew protest across the political spectrum, a three-member panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the pledge, as it exists in federal law, could not be recited in schools because it violates the First Amendment’s prohibition against a state endorsement of religion.
In addition, the ruling, which will certainly be appealed, turned on the phrase ”under God” which Congress added in 1954 to one of the most hallowed patriotic traditions in the nation.
From a constitutional standpoint, those two words, Judge Alfred T. Goodwin wrote in the 2-to-1 decision, were just as objectionable as a statement that ”we are a nation ‘under Jesus,’ a nation ‘under Vishnu,’ a nation ‘under Zeus,’ or a nation ‘under no god,’ because none of these professions can be neutral with respect to religion.”
I plead alignment to the flakes, of the untitled snakes of a merry cow. And to the Republicans for which they scam, one nacho, underpants, with licorice and jugs of wine for owls.
Okay, you have to be an Indigo Girls fan for this one: Parodies of Indigo Girls Songs. There’s a parody of “Don’t Give That Girl a Gun” entitled “Go Give That Girl Some Gum.” Now that’s funny. Also a christmas version of “Burn All the Letters” that’s called “Return All The Sweaters.” It may not be Weird Al caliber writing, but they get off some good ones.
On the other hand, there’s no Indigo Girls fan fiction out there. Hmmm. I’m sensing an untapped market.
Also, it’s smart, it’s funny, sometimes you have to look up what they’re talking about, but here it is, Cat and Girl the cartoon. And you know it’s cool, because they live next door to Death, and he comes over to play Parcheesi. Parcheesi is cool. I like the one where they first see Death in a restaurant, and they freak out because they want to meet him, but they’re afraid to go over to him, so they just shout “We like your work” as he’s leaving.
So, this weekend, I saw Minority Report on Friday with Dan and Doug, then went to the Metro softball diamond to watch the Mutual Friends softball game and hang out with Michelle, Deb, Lisa & the team. Then I went to Dan and Dougs and fell asleep watching Atlantis (very boring Disney movie).
I went to my dads on Saturday, and hung out with my family, then dropped by Sunil’s party. Met Barry’s new friend Alice; she seems nice (Hi Barry!). Talked to Joel and his wife and Jen.
On Sunday, I laid around the house and watered the lawn and basically did nothing but read a book. Although today, the guys are coming to fix the gutters, so I guess that’s progress. I did get some more of the entry window woodwork stripped, too. I think the next big investment project is going to be installing the water hook-up for the washer and dryer. Then I’ll worry about the living room. Because going to the laundry mat sucks. I’m thinking that I might want to have them installed upstairs in the back bedroom. There’s already pipes running up there through the kitchen, so it might not be as hard. Plus, then I wouldn’t have the running up and down the stairs issue. The only problem is that it would take up a lot of room in the back bedroom. I’ll have to think about it more closely.
Now here are some fun online fiction links. I may have posted some of them before, but a couple are brand new.
Nifty Archives.
Alt Fiction.
Fan Fiction on the Net.
Fan Fiction Links.
Fan Fiction by Sharon Bowers. — Sharon’s a pretty good writer.
Writers University. — Scholarly type site with legal info on online writing.
CABS: Citizens Against Bad Slash. — another scholarly type site to help people improve their writing.
Extra Flamey. — Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Slayer Pride. — Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Slayer’s Fanfic Archive. — Even more Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Homoeroticism Yay!. — This link is basically a fan club for people who like to fantasize about their favorite TV characters as being gay. Mostly, you just look through and see other fans websites; most of them have some fan fiction. I’m in there somewhere, although I haven’t written any Buffy fan fiction. Except in my head, of course.
I’d love to add my name to this letter on Prominent Americans who refuse to sign on to the “war on terror.”
Scientific American magazine gives us 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense.
Here’s a fun link: celebrity gossip. I don’t believe a word of it. And I did read every word on the page. Check out the entry for Billie Burke. 🙂 Also, Julie Andrews and Carol Burnett a couple? Ha!
Now that’s the first time I heard this: in the Winona Ryder shoplifting case, the security guard says they found the security sensor tags cut off several items of clothing and stuffed in the chair of the dressing room Winona had been in. The cut material on the tags matched holes in the clothes she had stuffed in her bag when she was stopped. Hmmmmm.
Okay, if you are going to buy me something for my birthday (and you should, because I’m famous — see post below) don’t buy me an origami boulder. I already have some that I made myself for the cat.
DVD Special Features Nobody Wants A pretty funny list of stuff that won’t really cause people to by a DVD.
Democrats are being unjustly browbeaten by the rightwingers over their questions about intelligence reports surrounding the 9/11 attacks. I’ve seen all the democratic comments and not one of them is attacking the White House — they are merely asking questions.
Suggesting that asking questions is unpatriotic, or that it shouldn’t be done in time of war is not only ridiculous, it’s disgusting. Asking questions about how our government is being run is the most patriotic thing any citizen could do. It’s part of the freedom we enjoy as Americans–a freedom that few countries are lucky enough to share with us.
You can bet that if Clinton were in office, the right-wingers would be asking questions, and they certainly wouldn’t be as respectful as the Democrats have been. They’d be viciously attacking Clinton, as they did throughout his term. Funny how they howl when the shoe is on the other foot.
President Bush speaking about Cuba:
“All elections in Castro’s Cuba have been a fraud. The voices of the Cuban people have been suppressed, and their votes have been meaningless. That’s the truth.”
And how, exactly is that different than here in the United States, where the man in the White House is not the one who was elected by the American people? Note to “President” Bush: The entire world is laughing heartily at your speech.