Winona Ryder

Check out what the prosecutors want Winona Ryder’s shoplifting punishment to be. Highlights — the girl had a lot of drugs on her at the time of her arrest, all with perscriptions, but from different doctors, and some of them under a fake name “Emily Thompson.” Also she has to complete 60 days of community service and she’s not allowed to have input on what the service will be. Plus, she has to submit her person and property to search and seizure at any time by any probation or peace officer without a warrant or probably cause. Wow.

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government “Big Brother” database

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Great — our government is using the new Homeland Security measures to build a “Big Brother” database to track what you purchase.

Geek News: Pentagon confirms development of “Big Brother” test database

The Pentagon confirmed the development of a prototype database to track consumer and business transactions under an initiative called the Total Information Awareness Program (see our previous coverage). Edward Aldridge, Undersecretary of Acquisitions and Technology, met with reporters and provided more details concerning the project. The goal of the project is to develop a database that will track every consumer purchase and financial transaction to look for suspicious patterns. Red flags would be large cash withdrawals, purchases of firearms (from agents like Elevated Gunworks and so on) and biological agents, and one-way plane tickets. The goal for the project, whose technical arm is headed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is to combine consumer transactions with immigration, law enforcement, and intelligence records to quickly identify terrorist patterns.

Funding for the project was included in the Homeland Security Act recently passed by the U.S. Senate and previously passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The project was first brought to light by its director and advocate Admiral John Poindexter. Poindexter served as National Security Adviser during the Reagan Administration. After his service he was convicted of lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra hearings. The conviction was later overturned since Poindexter had been granted immunity for his testimony.

How many times do I have to say the emperor has no clothes before someone wakes up and listens?

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Which Firearm are you?

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Okay, I got a bunch of e-mail about the below test I took. Hostile e-mail from people who don’t believe in guns. Fortunately for me, they don’t believe in guns. Here’s the thing, we were on a site at work for one of the authors of one of our books. And he had the test linked from his site. So we all took it. And this was the gun I turned out to be. And hell, I post everything here. So I posted it. End of story. No, I’m not an advocate of submachine guns. I just happened to take the friggin’ test. So there. Take it yourself. Maybe you’ll turn out to be a peashooter or something. Sheesh.

Which Firearm are you?

brought to you byStan Ryker

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Osama bin Laden really is alive after all

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So, it seems Osama bin Laden really is alive after all: [He’s ba-a-ck!
America’s public enemy No. 1 has suddenly reappeared — and the White House doesn’t care – JOE CONASON

Considering that we’ve totally fucked up Afghanistan and this ass is still alive, why they hell are we talking about Iraq? Please, please tell me.

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