It Wasn’t About The Oil, part 897
Apparently, demised of OPEC would greatly help line G. W. Bush’s wallet. Really. Tell me again why this guy is still in office?
Apparently, demised of OPEC would greatly help line G. W. Bush’s wallet. Really. Tell me again why this guy is still in office?
Apparently Colorado City, Utah is quite a little town. Yet another pin in my “Thank God I wasn’t born there” map.
“One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11, and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they ‘hate our freedoms.'”
I dunno, I think mine looks a little better than this.
Interesting article on how Jessica Lynch was “rescued” when she wasn’t actually a prisoner, from Iraq doctors that were giving her excellent care, in a staged event where the U.S. soldiers had blanks in their guns. Nice.What do you want to bet this never makes mainstream news?
Interesting how Clinton got slammed as a liar when Bush seems to do nothing but.
Here’s the skinny on what happened in Texas. Every ten years, new voting districts are redrawn in conjunction with the census. Districts were redrawn two years ago, and they didn’t come out the way the Republicans wanted (giving them more votes). So the Republicans tried to introduce a bill to redistrict again this year, to screw over the Democrats. And to kill the bill, the Democrats had to make sure there wasn’t a quorum. So they left town and went to Oklahoma. So the Republicans called in the National Department of Homeland Security (the agency to prevent terrorism) to track down where the Democrats were.
Are you happy with this? Is it okay that they used a National Agency in a way it was never intended to increase their advantage in the Texas statehouse? That’s your money they used.
Conservative Arnold Schwarzenegger is against Bush’s new tax cuts. That’s really interesting.
A glorious, left-wing, liberal vision of a future world. If there were any justice in the world, right-wingers and Republicans would be allowed to see it, no matter how much they wanted to — because they aren’t smart enough to get what the movie is supposed to mean. If they were, they wouldn’t be Republicans. Morons.