C is for Cookie, and Cookie is for me.

This post dedicated to my brother Todd, who used to sleepwalk in the middle of the night and steal cookies out of the cookie tin while he was at it. Or so he claimed, anyway. I still think he was awake the whole time.
Found this link on my friend Lori’s site, thought I’d share: A Fark contest in which you replace a word in a famous quote with the word “cookie.

“For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten cookie…”
Cry havoc, and let slip the cookies of war!
“I know not what course others may take, but as for me: give me liberty, or give me cookies.”
“Unfortunately, no one can be told what the cookie is. You have to see it for yourself.”
“Cookie Accomplished”
“those who would trade liberty for cookies deserve neither”
“This is a cookie that will live in infamy”
“These are not the cookies you are looking for.”
“No one expects the Spanish Cookie!”
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our cookies, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
-Abraham Lincoln
“I’ll trust big cookies over big business any day.”
-Hillary Clinton
“Why if I had a cookie for everytime I heard that, I’d be a cookie-aire.”
“He’s got a cookie!
You idiots — we’ve ALL got cookies”
“Cookies. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things.”
“I came here to chew cookies and kick ass… and I’m all out of cookies”
“Can’t we all just get a cookie?”
–Rodney King

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9/11 Commission: No Al Qaeda Ties. America: Duh, what?

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Despite the fact that the 9/11 Commission report indicates that there were no ties between Iraq and Al Qaeda and that Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11th attack, the American people are still being lead astray by numerous misleading news articles, and by the vice president.
Thus leading the American people in polls to still think there were ties between the two.
Sometimes, I wonder what the hell is wrong with Americans.

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Signal Orange: representing Iraq war dead on bodies of the living

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Signal Orange is a project to make the invisible visible — which is a premise and prerequisite for democracy. The goal of Signal Orange is to unveil the faces that the Bush Administration wants hidden — and to stop pretending that its actions in Iraq are inconsequential.
This is a response: Signal Orange represents the dead with the living — wearing T-shirts in their names. There is one shirt for each soldier who died. The front states how he or she died, the back reads, “(Rank) (First) (Last) can’t vote anymore.” The signal orange color of the shirt was chosen for the same reason it is used where caution is required — it’s the most visible color in person, on camera, and on video. The shirts are to be worn in places where the media is focused, whether that focus is momentary or constant. Examples might include the audience outside a morning talk show, or a parade, or a sporting event, and it certainly includes the Republican National Convention in NYC come September.

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Q: What sorts of things did you enjoy reading as a child?
Everything! Mysteries were a big favorite, but I loved all sorts of fiction, and I enjoyed biographies, too.
Q: Are you now, or did you ever, mourn or grieve over the death of former U.S. President Ronald Regan?
Probably about as much as he grieved over the 70,000 gay men who died because he didn’t bother to do anything to combat AIDS.
Q: Have you ever had a role in a theatrical performance? If so, what did you play? If not, is there a role that you’d like to play?
I was a prop person for a production of Spoon River Anthology in high-school, because I had a crush on one of the female leads. I don’t really have the acting bug, and I have terrible stage fright.
Q: If and when your hair turns gray, will you let the gray in or will you use an over-the-counter product to turn it away?
I probably won’t do much to it. I probably won’t go gray very early; I have my mom’s light colored hair and her gray really isn’t noticeable.

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