links for 2011-04-12

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Stand with Planned Parenthood

Please take a few moments to go and sign this petition against defunding Planned Parenthood:

After months of budget negotiations, extreme anti-choice members of Congress are trying to force a shutdown of the federal government. This shutdown is not about disagreements over spending or taxes — it’s about a single-minded vendetta against Planned Parenthood and a cruel determination to cut women off from reproductive health care.

We cannot let this vengeful, narrow-minded assault on Planned Parenthood and the people we serve continue. We urgently need your action right now. Add your name to the letter we are sending Representative Boehner and his extreme colleagues today. Fill out the form at right to take action.

Federal money to Planned Parenthood and other family planning clinics goes to providing contraceptive services, sex ed, STI and HIV testing, and cervical cancer screenings. It doesn’t go to abortion – that is prevented by the Hyde Amendment. This is about basic women’s healthcare, and is truly a right-wing radical agenda.

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links for 2011-04-07

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links for 2011-04-06

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links for 2011-04-05

  • Brian Frazer in Details magazine talks about choosing not to have kids, in a conversation that could be verbatim what Stephanie and I have had: Our individual philosophies on the subject fell somewhere between casual indifference and acute apathy. "You want kids?" "I don't know…do you?" "Um…not sure." "I'll have 'em if you want to. Do you?" "I don't know." "Wanna go see a movie?" "Sure!" "Which meant we went from being indecisive to indecisive with a gun to our heads. In fact, we often looked at each other and said, "Gun to your head: Kid or no kid?" The answer, no matter who was asking, never changed: "I don't know. But please take the gun away from my head. I'm trying to change lanes, and it's rush hour."
    (tags: parenting)
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links for 2011-04-02

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links for 2011-03-31

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