For a million dollars…

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from the Book of Questions, Via the J-Walk Blog,

Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave the country and never set foot in it again? If so, where would you go?

Nope — the “never set foot in it again” is the key part of that question. I’d rather see my family and friends regularly — some of them, like my grandparents, I wouldn’t be able to see at all if I left the country permanently, because they can’t really travel that far. And for a mere million? Come on. It would take a lot more than that.

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Movie Quotes Meme

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Grabbed this meme from a variety of places, including X-Tra Rant, Torpor Indy, Radical Druid, Legal Quandary, etc.
Here are the rules:
A. Pick 11 of your favorite movies.
B. Then pick one of your favorite quotes from each movie.
C. Post the quotes in your journal.
D. Have those on your friends list guess what the movie is.
E. Either strike out the quote once it has been correctly identified or place the guesser’s user name directly after the quote.
F. Extra points for knowing the actor or character’s name.

1. “I just love books. They’re so decorative.”
(Auntie Mame. Rachel got the movie, but no extra points.)
2. It’s just, when you buy furniture, you tell yourself, that’s it. That’s the last sofa I’m gonna need. Whatever else happens, I’ve got that sofa problem handled.
(Fight Club, Narrator/Edward Norton. Dustin, +1)
3. It should take you exactly four seconds to cross from here to that door. I’ll give you two.
(Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Holly Golightly/Audrey Hepburn. Torpor Indy, +1)
4. You know how someone’s appearance can change the longer you know them? How a really attractive person, if you don’t like them, can become more and more ugly; whereas someone you might not have even have noticed… that you wouldn’t look at more than once, if you love them, can become the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. All you want to do is be near them.
(The Truth About Cats and Dogs, Brian/Ben Chaplin. Lori, +1. )
5. We’ve become a race of Peeping Toms. What people ought to do is get outside their own house and look in for a change. Yes sir. How’s that for a bit of homespun philosophy?
(Rear Window, Stella/Thelma Ritter. No one got this.)
6. I don’t like Visigoths. Tomorrow, we’ll get sign: “No Spiders or Visigoths Allowed.”
(Life is Beautiful, Guido Orefice/Roberto Benigni. No one got this.)
7. When a woman’s got a husband, and you’ve got none, why should she take advice from you? Even if you can quote Balzac and Shakespeare and all them other high-falutin’ Greeks.
(The Music Man, Mrs. Paroo/Pert Kelton. Kellie, +1)
8. Up until now everything around here has been, well, pleasant. Recently certain things have become unpleasant. Now, it seems to me that the first thing we have to do is to separate out the things that are pleasant from the things that are unpleasant.
(Pleasantville, Big Bob/J.T. Walsh. Jason +1.)
9. I have reached the end of your book and… there are so many things that I need to ask you. Sometimes I’m afraid of what you might tell me. Sometimes I’m afraid that you’ll tell me that this is not a work of fiction. I can only hope that the answers will come to me in my sleep. I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
(Donnie Darko, Donnie/Jake Gyllenhaal. Stallio!, +1)
10. All these neat, little houses and all these nice, little streets… It’s hard to believe that something’s wrong with some of those little houses.
(All the President’s Men, Carl Bernstein, Dustin Hoffman. Dustin, +1)
11. I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with! (This ones a gimme, because I’m nice like that.)
(The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy/Judy Garland. Rachel +1)

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Where was I?

I can play this meme pretty easily.

Where was I ten years ago?

This post on Same-Sex Marriage I wrote May 14, 1996, just about ten years ago. I had moved into the attic apartment at Mary Byrne’s house the summer of the year before, so I was just starting my first decade in downtown Indianapolis. I was hired to work in the web design department for my current company, which was then Macmillan Publishing, or I believe this was about the time I quit volunteering for a local organization when I found out they were claiming to have a lobbyist in the state legislature, and raising money based on that misleading information. I also quit working for the local pride organization that April because I was pretty redundant and no one would let me do anything.

Where was I five years ago?
My first blog post from May of 2001. I went on a “Big Things” road trip the beginning of May that year, and I was busy preparing to buy a house for the first time. I was pretty well settled into my job, and still working as a designer.

Where was I one year ago?

I was recovering from heart valve surgery, so I was home from work reading and watching lots of TV series on DVD, playing with my dog and taking mandatory walks around the block, which were hard as hell, and sometimes required me to have Stephanie helping me.
Passing it on…

Oh, whoever wants the meme. I hate tagging people.

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Desert Island Meme

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From various sources, one of them Bil — Stranded on a desert island (with plenty of electronics) edition…

You get to take with you one of each of the following:

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Either/Or #5

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  1. Favorite Color or Favorite Number?
  2. Shower in the Morning or Shower in the Evening?
  3. The Grand Canyon or The Great Pyramids of Egypt?
  4. White Pages or Yellow Pages?
    White. People are more interesting than businesses.
  5. Doll House of Tree House?
    Tree house.
  6. When you were 13 years old or when you were 23 years old?
    23. I was hot back then.
  7. French Toast or Bacon & Eggs?
    Bacon & Eggs
  8. Don Knotts or Don Cheadle?
    Cheadle. Not of a fan of slapstick.
  9. Your Mother’s Cooking or Your Own?
  10. Long Sleeves or Short Sleeves?
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A Johari Window of my very own..

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Hat tip to Dustbury, who posted about this….
A Johari Window is where you get to talk about how great I am. Yeah, that’s it. Heh. Actually, you can read the real definition here at Wikipedia It’s a personality tool, and there’s an online version, that you can help me with, if you want.
Anyway, here’s mine… it would be super-cool if you entered five or six attributes you think describe me. Then you can view the results, if you like.
If, you’d rather, here’s the flip side — the Nohari window, where you get to point out my flaws. Yeah, I knew that would be more fun for you. Here’s what you don’t like about me.

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