Press attempting to push Hillary out of the Race

Eric Boehlert at Media Matters for America has some interesting points comparing Hillary’s ongoing campaign to past presidential races:

Looking back through modern U.S. campaigns, there’s simply no media model for so many members of the press to try to drive a competitive candidate from the field while the primary season is still unfolding.

…And the fact is, the media’s get-out-now push is unparalleled. Strong second-place candidates such as Ronald Reagan (1976), Ted Kennedy, Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson, and Jerry Brown, all of whom campaigned through the entire primary season, and most of whom took their fights all the way to their party’s nominating conventions, were never tagged by the press and told to go home.

“Clinton is being held to a different standard than virtually any other candidate in history,” wrote Steven Stark in the Boston Phoenix. “When Clinton is simply doing what everyone else has always done, she’s constantly attacked as an obsessed and crazed egomaniac, bent on self-aggrandizement at the expense of her party.”

…No longer content to be observers of the campaign, journalists now see themselves as active players in the unfolding drama, and they show no hesitation trying to dictate the basics of the contest, like who should run and who should quit. It’s as if journalists are auditioning for the role of the old party bosses.

Shakespear’s Sister refers to this sexist phenomenon as the “take your boobs and go home” media push.

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links for 2008-04-24

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WTF? ABC News is full of shit

via Shakevillethis lovely gem appeared on ABC news yesterday.

What the hell is this about? Do they actually think that WE think this is news? Do they think anyone seeing this wouldn’t recognize it for the sexist, misogynist smear job that it is? I was sorta halfway still on the fence between Obama and Clinton, given how close they are on issues, but I’m not anymore. I’m going to vote for Clinton because the media is fucked up. Not a rational reason I know, but I don’t give a shit.

The economy is in the toilet, it’s the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion and other countries are refusing to convert American money for travelers because the dollar is so weak. THIS is what ABC has to say? Unbelieveable.

This is NOT news

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links for 2008-03-08

From the Washington Post article:

In a casual essay of 1,700 words, Allen manages to stir together a breathtaking mishmash of misogynistic irrelevancies and generalizations. One minute she’s mocking women who bake cookies for their dogs; the next, she’s castigating Hillary Clinton’s campaign as “stupidest” partly because she fired her “daytime-soap-watching” Latina campaign manager too close to the Texas primary. (Note to Allen: Hillary won Texas with a flood of Latino votes.) She wonders why “no man contracts nebulous diseases” of possibly psychosomatic origins. (Note to Allen: Actually, they do.) She asks why women have more driving accidents. (Note to Allen: See below.) Could it be because women are mentally inferior, as proved by men’s greater ability to mentally rotate three-dimensional objects in space? Unless it’s a cute little puppy, that is, or maybe a cookie.

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links for 2008-03-01

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Happy Leap Day 2008

Leap Year 2008
Leap Year 2008

We can take some comfort in the fact that we’ve made SOME progress on the sexism front in the last 100 years. Not that much, since the only female Presidential candidate we’ve ever had has men telling her to iron their shirts, but at least women can ask ask men out on dates more than once every four freaking years.

Postcard Leap Year Maidens Are 1908
Postcard Leap Year Maidens Are 1908

Isn’t it surprising to see stuff like this and realize how bad things used to be?

Leap Year Poscard Sexism
Leap Year Poscard Sexism
Leap Year 2008
Leap Year 2008

A few year back, I blogged about finding Anti-Women’s Suffrage buttons on eBay, and how they were being bought by museums and universities for huge amounts of money. But seeing the postcards and texts were huge eye-openers, not because people’s attitudes have changed all that much, just that they’ve gotten more subtle/less open about their messages.

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links for 2008-02-28

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