I got your gay reality show right here….

Apparently, Julie Millam from the Montana Family Coalition doesn’t like the “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” show on TV: “To me, that’s not a reality show about gay people. A really good reality show for gay people would be five gay men dying of AIDS.”
No… A REALLY good reality show for gay people would be a video of me flying to Montana to BEAT THE HOLY LIVING CRAP out of Julie Milliam. In fact, it could be a series. Each week I locate one anti-gay bigot and kick the ignorance right out of them on national television. I can guarantee you’d get 25 million gay Americans watching every week.

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Selections from the Oprah Book Club or Episodes of Magnum P.I.?

1. Death of the Flowers
2. River, Cross My Heart
3. The Arrow That Is Not Aimed
4. Songs in Ordinary Time
5. Going Home
6. Stones from the River
7. Echoes Of The Mind
8. A Lesson Before Dying
9. Let Me Hear The Music
10. The Pilot’s Wife
11. Did You See the Sunrise?
12. Drowning Ruth
13. Open House
14. Autumn Warrior
15. Back Roads

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I’m Glad That’s Over

According to the New York Post, Roseanne Barr’s new “cooking” show, Domestic Goddess, has been cancelled. There’s no word on the fate of her “reality” , The Real Roseanne about the making of the “cooking” show, but it’s fate is likely not good. And that makes me happy, because I watched part of the first episode of the reality show, and I had to turn it off because it made me want to kick Roseanne’s ass, and the asses of her entire family.

The whole first episode was about coming up with a concept for the new “cooking” show, but although they keep meeting, and eating, and screaming at each other, and fighting with plastic swords, no one actually attempted to think of a concept for a show. They ended up going to a pitch meeting (late, because they were getting donuts) and pitching nothing but a vague description of what the show would be.

The agents started to ask them a bunch of questions about the show like, “Would this been in a studio, or would Roseanne invade the homes of celebrities and cook in their kitchens?” and you could see the faces of Roseanne’s family light up, like “hey that’s a good idea!” and you could see they never even thought about how the show would work.

Mentally, you start running through all the stuff you have to do in a given day, and you realize, “holy crap, these people have tons of money for no reason and I’m working my ass off…. I hate them!” And then you turn the show off and delete it from your DVR.

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Fall TV Schedule, Revised

I reworked my fall tv schedule to highlight new shows as well as show I’m planning on watching. I also linked all the new shows to their websites and linked all the shows I’m planning on watching as well. Next, I’m going to put a tiny pink triangle next to shows that have gay or lesbian characters. Just for fun!
UPDATE: I counted it all up, and it comes out to 30 1/2 hours of TV per week, give or take. Scary. I’m going to have to streamline.

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Canadian Idol

I’m sorry but the phrase “Canadian Idol” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. It sounds too much like “Canadian Bacon.” Plus, the contestants look like what you would get if you had, say, “Indiana Idol.” They are quite average-looking people. Apparently American has more than it’s fair share of hotties.

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